Tuesday, December 13, 2011

special surprises

One of Ethan's favorite things to do is open anything that can be opened and take stuff out and put it (or something new) back inside. A few examples of the "surprises" we have found around the house lately:

Measuring spoons in the cookbook box.
Various toys in the kitchen drawer.
Not pictured would be his water cup put in his little kitchen microwave, my cell phone in our dirty clothes hamper, keys on the windowsill behind the curtain, toys in Pete's ticket box, and on and on.

Another new favorite are the "decorations" Ethan has put on our Christmas tree.
And lastly, he has enjoyed taking off the candy canes and putting them back on the tree, all in the same place.

18 months

Ethan turned 18 months old on December 6th. I know I say this all the time - but the time really does fly! At his 18 month check up last Friday Ethan weighed in at 33 pounds and is now 35 inches tall (still off the charts in both categories, of course).

Our toddler is a bucket of energy. One of his favorite things to do these days is run back and forth from the front of the house to the back, giggling and laughing. We continue to teach him again and again to watch where he is running, as he still remains prone to head bumps and tumbles. Right now we are really working on boundaries and listening. Ethan often thinks it's funny or a game when we say no to something he is doing and just keeps trying to do the things we have said no to. Apparently he is not the only toddler who does this, as I have been busy asking various moms what they are doing to start teaching discipline and boundaries.

Ethan is also very interested in putting things in and taking things out of baskets, buckets, drawers, file cabinets, etc. He is so curious about everything and wants to try to see how things work. When he gets frustrated (or doesn't get what he wants) he stomps his feet in place to vent. He is constantly talking in his jibberish language and is learning new words all the time - he can probably say around 20 words but tries out new words every day.

He still loves reading, especially his Larry book (Larry the Cucumber, from Veggie Tales) and any book that sings or that we sing to him. He loves to dance to music - we love listening to Christmas music during the day and every time I turn it on he starts to dance.

Dancing, running, reading, laughing, giggling, playing, climbing, wrestling --- our days are full! Full, but so, so sweet.

Monday, November 28, 2011

a few very scary days

Two weeks ago we went to church on Sunday morning and dropped Ethan off at Journey Kids at 9am like usual. We picked him up after the service at 10:30 and he was super flushed and warm, had rosy red cheeks and was laying in the volunteer's lap. Since this was extremely unusual for our energetic little man we figured he was coming down with something. On the way home Ethan fell asleep in the car.
We put him down for a nap right when we got home since he was so tired. About 30 minutes into his nap I checked the video monitor and noticed that he was moving. I couldn't quite figure out how or why he was moving and he wasn't making any noise so I ran upstairs to check on him only to find that he was in the midst of a seizure. His eyes were open but unfocused and his body was convulsing. I screamed for Pete and we quickly called 911. The EMTs arrived and we headed to the hospital via ambulance.
Ethan was extremely out of it for a while (which we learned was normal after a seizure) and once we got to the hospital around noon he started to wake up sporadically, was definitely fussy (understandable) and was only moving his right side. His left side was not moving and he would not move his head or eyes to the left at all. This started a bunch of tests - urine, blood, a CT and a spinal tap - and he was hooked up to a bunch of monitors. It was so hard to watch my sweet Ethan getting hooked up to all of this stuff and so scary to not know what was happening in his body. Our minds raced to wonder if he would be able to walk or talk and how our lives might have just changed.
Ethan was in and out of sleep for most of the afternoon and in between tests. We were thankful when the nurses let us stretch the cords so we could hold him.
Little by little he slowly started to regain movement on his left side - first a twitch of his toe, then his leg moved, then his right arm, etc - so that by 5pm that day he was moving all arms, legs and turning his head in both directions. PRAISE THE LORD! Again, PRAISE THE LORD!!!

Ethan was admitted to the hospital because we were still waiting on test results and they wanted to monitor him for another seizure. As of Sunday the doctors' best guess was that he had had a febrile seizure due to his fever but they were concerned about why he had had the paralysis on his left side plus his fever continued to spike after his Tylenol would wear off. They started a round of IV antibiotics because they weren't certain what was wrong and wanted to make sure to start treating him in case it was something serious like meningitis.

During our stay Ethan had the luxury of sleeping in this comfy crib. Let's just say we all did not get a lot of sleep with nurses coming in every hour to check his temp and blood pressure, give meds, etc.
Because of the doctors' concerns we were scheduled for an EEG on Monday which is a test that helps to determine if Ethan's brain showed any focal points for seizures. And so, Ethan got to get lots of wires hooked up to his head.
And because he is a toddler they wrapped his head so he wouldn't pull of the electrodes.
The CT scan and EEG both came back normal. (a big praise!) The spinal tap results came back to show that Ethan had a viral form of meningitis (called enterovirus) which the doctors all said was very common in kids and explained why he had the seizure since it was an infection of his CNS. Because it was viral (and not bacterial, the really serious kind) the infection simply needed to run its course!

On Monday night Ethan's fever finally broke and he was back to his normal self for the most part, aside from being overly tired from having interrupted sleep for two days. On Tuesday morning the neurologists decided that they wanted Ethan to have an MRI just to check and see if there was anything in his brain that caused him to have the left side paralysis. Because Ethan had pulled out his IV on Monday (once his fever was controlled by the Tylenol he would run laps around his crib) we had to get another one put in so they could sedate him. Unfortunately it took 3 - yes THREE - separate attempts by 3 nurses to try and get a vein. Poor Ethan was practically hysterical (with mom and dad not far behind) as they kept trying to find a vein.

Unfortunately before we could get the MRI done their machine went down and so after the major ordeal of putting in an IV they had to take it out. We were scheduled to come back for an MRI in two weeks. The good news was that we got to GO HOME!
Ethan took the rest of the week to catch up on sleep (taking 4 hour naps each day) and by the end of the week we could hardly believe he had been sick at all.

What a scary few days. The best part about it is that even though it was scary, we knew that God was in control and that nothing happens without passing through his hands. There was nothing that we could do to change what was happening, all we could do was pray, comfort Ethan and go from one moment to the next. We are grateful to all of our friends and family who supported us through prayer, sending us messages, bringing us lunch and dinner and just hanging out at the hospital with us. Most of all we are so thankful to Jesus for healing our precious boy and for giving us his peace even when we were so scared!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

halloween and our little duck

Ethan has had a love for ducks for most of his life now. Whenever he sees a duck in a book he squeals "du..." (his version of duck) with such excitement. There wasn't really any other choice but to dress him up as a duck this year for Halloween.
Ethan and I have a great group of moms and toddlers that we spend time with each week. For Halloween we had a costume party and got all of the kiddos dressed up.
On Halloween day Ethan "helped" me carve pumpkins. He was most fascinated with taking the pumpkin lids off and putting them back on again. And those pumpkin seeds - so gooey!

Later on that day we took Ethan trick or treating with his cousins Julian (the lion) and Brookelyn (the monkey). They were quite the animal farm!
We made it to a few houses but because Ethan found it more interesting to run quickly away from us in any direction, we didn't make it too far. But all in all, we had a fun time!

world series

The World Series (and the entire baseball playoffs) was a very busy time for our household, with Pete selling lots and lots of tickets. It was pretty awesome though, when the Cardinals actually won the whole thing! Pete got a chance to go to Game 1 and the final Game 7 to watch the Cards win!

Ethan and Pete also got to have some dad/son bonding time when they went down to the Cardinals victory parade later that weekend.

Let's just say our boy likes to run (away) from us pretty much any chance he gets these days. He has a mind of his own!

Friday, November 11, 2011

animal sounds, a fire truck and a blankie too

Our little man is learning new words and sounds all the time these days. My favorite part of this whole video is when I say his most favorite word and thing. You'll know it when you see it.


One of our goals lately is to learn how to eat with a spoon! Here is a peek at how its going...


One of Ethan's favorite things to do these days is to try on any pair of sunglasses he can find, over and over again.

so sweet

One of my favorite pictures of me and my sweet boy.

turning around

One of Ethan's big milestones in the past month was to turn his car seat around to face the front! We have been trying to wait as long as possible to do this since the new recommendation is to wait until kids are 2 to turn them. However, Ethan is clearly the size of a 2 year old and his legs continued to be so cramped - and so about a month ago we finally we made the switch!

I took this pic right before our first car ride with him facing forward. A little uncertain, perhaps?

the zoo!

I have been so behind on blogging lately but we have definitely stayed busy! This fall one of our favorite things to do has been to go to the zoo! For a while we were going almost once a week!

Here is a compilation of pictures from a few of our visits:

A common picture of Ethan these days - his back as he runs away!

One day we went to the zoo with Ethan's cousin Brookelyn and Grandma Denise
For a long time my favorite animal that we would see at the zoo was the giraffe.That was until we one day, got a chance to meet Robert, the orangutan.
Robert is now our main guy and we go to see him every time we go to the zoo!

new york, new york

In late September I got an extra special treat and got to go visit one of my sweetest friends Christina in New York --- all by myself! Pete and Ethan had a boys weekend and I was all on my own for a whole weekend! I haven't been to New York in over 3 years and hadn't seen Christina in over a year and so I was especially excited to go.

So, what did we do? Well, since it was my 4th time visiting New York I didn't feel any pressure to have to do anything which was really nice. So, we walked a lot. Spent some time in Manhattan, shopping in Chinatown, enjoying good food and lots and lots of catching up!

Resting after a long day of walking!
Christina and her husband Jhon.
Times Square.
On Sunday morning I got a chance to visit Christina's church and then we got to celebrate her birthday with Jhon's family!
All in all it was a great weekend! Strange to be away from my sweet boys but I was so thankful to get a chance to have my very first weekend away --- and then, oh so happy to get back and see my sweet Pete and sweet Ethan!

Monday, October 17, 2011

walking laps

One of our boy's favorite things to do of late is walk, and walk, and walk some more!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

a case of the giggles

Our boy has got the sweetest laugh ever! He had the giggles for probably a good 5 minutes at lunch today. So sweet!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

15 months

Fall is here already and our toddler is now a big 15 month old! Our little man is slowly but surely gaining confidence in his walking skills and walks from one large object (couch, person, etc) to another large object all the time. When we walk together he prefers now to just hold on to one of our fingers. So, he can definitely walk, but loves the security of having us nearby.

Ethan is also quite the babbler these days! At current count he can say 9 words: dog (da), duck (also da), mama (very seldom but when he says it I just melt!), dada/daddy (by far his favorite word), grandpa (da-da), grandma (na-na), nap (bamp), cracker, (something with a "ck" sound), and blankie. He can sign "more" and "all done" and wave "hi" and "bye." He has tried out a variety of other words as well - donkey, water, hi, and papa but those aren't too consistent yet. He can also tell us what a sheep, horse and lion all sound like (something that still never gets old!). Oh and he can "sneeze" too.

And of course he continues to keep on growing! When we took him to the pediatrician in Minnesota he weighed in at 31 pounds. Whoa. No wonder most of his clothes are either 2T or 24 month in size! So far he has 4 top teeth and 4 bottom teeth but he is definitely in the process of teething at least one (if not more) molars.

Our days are very active. He loves to cruise all over the house and our stairs have become a particular favorite. He giggles a lot, and loves to read his books out loud. He is a little scientist - testing out all sorts of new discoveries in our house and worms his way into the tiniest little spaces behind chairs and in our closets. We go for a long walk almost every day and try to get to the park where his favorite thing to do is still SWING! He likes to walk with us hand in hand, leading the way to check out whatever has currently peaked his curiosity.

He is starting to test his boundaries a little bit now and definitely makes his opinion known (i.e. a lot of "resistance" when leaving the park).

He is growing up. We sure love our boy!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

airplanes and airports, oh my!

I was a little nervous about flying with Ethan - my very curious toddler - all by myself and so packed up a ton of books, a toy train and lots of snacks to try and pass the 1.5 hour flight. On our way to Minnesota our flight left a little early and was fairly smooth.

Our journey home however, had a few minor bumps. Pete took a separate flight and airline home that left at 3:30 on Monday. Ethan and I were scheduled to fly out at 5 and so my dad and step mom dropped us off at the airport at 3. Enough time to check in, get through security and get the wiggles out before boarding the plane.

Ethan was already not having it while we waited in line to check in. (Understandable as we had just finished a 3 plus hour car ride and he has molars coming in). Once we got through security I checked the monitors to discover that our plane was delayed and expected to leave at 7:45!!! That left us with FOUR hours to kill at the airport before our flight left.

After a quick trip to the bathroom for a diaper change and a few tears (shed mainly by me) we set off and discovered the most wonderful blessing ever - a playland!
And so we broke up our 4 hour afternoon/evening by playing in the play land, walking laps around the terminal, getting a snack, walking around the chairs, diaper changes, etc.
Somehow, the time passed and it was time to board. Seeing as how it was 7:45 and already at least an hour past Ethan's usual bed time, he was one wired tired toddler. Ethan didn't sleep at all on the plane as there was just too much to do and see. He didn't cry but was one wild boy, and could hardly sit still. We got home at 9:45pm totally exhausted and finally got to go to sleep!

After the initial tears shed when I first learned we were stuck for 4 hours at the airport I got to thinking about all the blessings that God provided even though it was a crappy situation:

1. The lady who helped carry my luggage to the baggage drop off when she saw me struggling with a suitcase, pack n play, car seat and stroller with toddler who was starting to melt.

2. The lady who carried my stroller down to the airplane when she saw me trying to calm Ethan down.

3. The tray tables on the airplane. Seriously-this provided entertainment for at least a third of each of our flights.

4. The boy sitting in front of us on the airplane on our flight home who was playing his game boy. Ethan kept trying to peek through the seat to watch him and it helped to keep his attention even though he was so very tired.

5. The play land at the airport in Minneapolis!

6. Calm hearts. I prayed and prayed that especially on our flight home Ethan (and I) would be able to make it through without a meltdown and we made it! All a work of the Holy Spirit to be sure, considering that we both could have been a basket case after such a long day!