Thursday, July 26, 2012

ethan's first sentence

So Ethan has been saying a lot of two word phrases for a while now and he says Bye Bye to everything, but he officially said what I would call his first real sentence this week.

"Eloise go night night." I was so darn proud!

And then, just a short while later, his second sentence:

"Mommy go potty." This mommy was beaming.

The little man is growing up.

homa homa!

It's been a really busy couple of weeks around here. Almost 2 weeks ago now we decided to brave a family trip to Oklahoma to go to our friends (Dave and Lauren) wedding. I had debated on whether or not to go with a 2 year old and newborn --- it's an 8 hour drive to get there --- but in the end we decided to go.

On our drive there we learned that Ethan no longer naps in the car and so he was up literally all day from 6 am to almost 9:30 pm when he finally conked out in the car about a half an hour from our hotel. I had been so worried about taking Eloise with as a newborn, but in the end it was our 2 year old that had a bit more trouble!

Ethan talked about "Homa Homa" the whole way there. Every time we got off at a rest stop he would shout "Homa Homa" thinking were were now there. How do you explain a state to a toddler? Anyway, he was pretty excited. I tried to capture a video of it while we drove.

We also learned that he is not so crazy about sleeping in strange, new places. He was up for almost 2 hours once we got to the hotel before finally falling asleep and then waking up again at 4am -- clearly overtired but very worked up and crying.

Ethan's early wake up made us realize that we had missed a bunch of phone calls from Pete's family. We called to check in and sadly learned that his cousin Wally had passed away very unexpectedly. He was only 24 years old. We decided to head back to St. Louis to be with family and so since we were already up we headed out. We were in Homa Homa for approximately 5 hours.

Pete ended up flying back to Oklahoma to attend the wedding and I stayed home with the kiddos. It was a very tiring weekend for all.

Friday, July 6, 2012

happy 4th of july!

Our 4th of July started off with a KABOOM literally. We decided to try and beat the heat and go for a quick walk at 7:30am to the Botanical Gardens. I had been noticing for some time that Ethan was kind of walking funny and when we took him out of the stroller to walk we really noticed it. I realized that the reason he was walking so funny was because his shoes were too small! So as Pete and I were discussing this, and trying to get Eloise to stop screaming -- BAM! Ethan fell and hit the pavement, mouth and nose first. (A pretty rare phenomenon since he usually goes down forehead first). Bloody mouth, bloody nose. Now, a screaming toddler, who very bravely (or stubbornly) wanted to keep walking to go see the fish. We somehow manhandled our very strong toddler back into the stroller and worked on stopping the bleeding which was mainly coming from his mouth/lip which was now swollen.

We high tailed it out of the gardens and back home with Ethan screaming at the top of his lungs while Eloise -- we think so startled by her brother's volume-- finally settled down. Once we got home we tried to ice his fat lip (no go) and then headed out to buy Ethan some new shoes.

We had his foot measured at Payless to make sure we got the right size and ---- he is a size 9/9 1/2! Our poor boy had been smashing his (rather large) toes into size a size 8! Let's just say this mama felt awful! So, we got him a couple pairs of new shoes and headed back home.

Later that day Auntie and Uncle Russell and Ella came over for a BBQ. We even somehow managed to take a few pictures of all the kiddos together. I think I like Ella's expression the most.

Things quickly went south in our photo session.

And, then we were done.
With two young kiddos and 100+ degree temps we definitely were not brave enough to try any fireworks. Before bed we snapped a few pics of our precious two. Ethan was mostly too preoccupied to actually look at the camera, but at least there was no crying!

Happy 4th of July!

eloise at 1 month

Last week Eloise turned 1 month old! We can't believe how fast she is growing already. This week we had her 1 month check up and she is officially at 10 lbs (75th percentile) and 23 1/4 inches long (way off the charts). She is following in her brother's footsteps and is one tall little lady! She is starting to wear 3 month clothes and continues to be comfy in her size 1 diapers (she never fit in newborn diapers - she was too long!).

Our sweet Eloise definitely likes to be held and is a bit of a fussy girl here and there throughout the day. Our pediatrician said that she is mildly colicky and it should hopefully peak sometime around 6-8 weeks and then decrease from there. She is nursing consistently around 9 times a day right now and has a cluster nursing session each night from like 5 to 9 pm. This is the time of day that she is the most fussy and she nurses about every hour, which makes us both pretty tired! Luckily her cluster nursing kind of tanks her up for a big sleep and she usually sleeps until 1 or 2am which is great and then gets up again at 4 or 5ish. So, for the most part she is up just once at night - pretty good for such a little lady!

As I mentioned in a previous post she has already accomplished a big milestone by rolling over from her tummy to her back! And she gives us that sweet smile here and there too - such a precious sweetheart!

Here are her 1 month chair pictures!

First, I tried to have her wear a bow. You can see how she felt about it.

So I took off the bow and we tried again. Much better.

Ethan wanted to get in on the photo session, with his snack of course.
Outfit change!

And later that day, again I tried the bow. Bad idea.

So there it is. Our sweet Eloise at 1 month old and growing up too fast already. We love you so much baby girl!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

eloise showing off her new skill

Here's our girl rolling over from tummy to back!

our songbird

This is one of Ethan's favorite songs these days!

We were on a walk the other day and Ethan gave us a little serenade for nearly our entire walk!

the toddler and the newborn

The toddler:

Growing, growing, growing. I was walking around the house the other day turning off the lights in every single room, wondering what the heck we were doing with all the lights on in the middle of a bright summer day. And then I realized it was our sweet boy - who is now tall enough to reach all of the light switches - showing off his new skill. Looks like our electricity bill might be taking a hit.

Helping dad fix our front door.

He spent his last night in his crib this past weekend.

And started sleeping in his brand new big boy bed!

Night #2 in his big boy bed resulted in a "lotion fest" as Ethan was able to get a bottle of Eucerin lotion (again, he's very tall) and had lotioned himself, the bed, and the walls. A quick call to poison control assured us that Eucerin is not toxic and so if he did happen to eat some, he would get a bad case of the runs. Our boy keeps us on our toes that is for sure!

The newborn:

Growing more into a baby each day. Our sweet girl spends a lot of her time doing this:

And this (especially in the early evening hours):

She rolled over for the first time at around 3 weeks and since she has continued to do so every now and then we are officially calling it a skill and not just a fluke. This is a quick pic I shot right after she did it the first time.

She has also started to show us her sweet smile!

The siblings:

Precious as can be.