Friday, November 30, 2012


Tomorrow we start a new adventure in a new house. Tonight is our last night in the first house we've owned as a married couple.

This evening when I put Ethan to bed I was telling him how tonight is our very last night sleeping in this house and that tomorrow we get to move to the new house. He was laying on his bed, head propped up on his pillow with Larry, 5 blankies, Doggie and his play phone and I had a flashback to all the times he and I have had in his room -- rocking and singing to him when he was a baby, reading books, talking about Jesus, learning about discipline and time outs and lots of laughter. And now here is  - a big 2 1/2 year old, telling me about all of the things we'll be moving to the new house (move bed, move blankies, move phone, move Ethan, move mommy (the list was very long)).

And of course I started to tear up - thinking about all of the wonderful times we've had in this house and how I'm sad that we're leaving this place that has been our home and is filled with so many memories.

At that moment Ethan started to sing "Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes Jesus loves me! Yes Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so!" And God used my two year old to remind me about who He is and what our lives are about. He loves us. He goes before us. He's always with us. And He is working everything in our lives for our good and His glory. What an awesome reminder.

And so tonight, more than being sad, I'm just really thankful. Thankful for this house that has been our home for 3 1/2 years - the first house we've owned, where we took Ethan and Eloise home to, where Ethan learned to walk, where our bulldog Norman spent his last days, where we've had countless meals and study with our family and community group, where we started our journey as parents. God has grown us here. And he loves us, more than we can ever know.

Thank you Jesus.

oh the days

Considering we are MOVING to a new house tomorrow (yes, tomorrow!), I should be packing, but instead I'm blogging. Here are a few cute videos of my sweet babies from this week:

sweet niece

I had the honor of babysitting my sweet niece Ella last weekend. This girl is such a blessing and so darn stinkin cute!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

green beans?

Um, no mom - this stuff is gross!
Like, seriously disgusting!
I feel slightly better now that you've switched to pears, but I'm still not quite sure...

eloise and ella's dedication

This past weekend we enjoyed a great time with Grandpa Todd and Grandma Bonnie who were visiting from Minnesota. My sister and I took turns hosting and hauling our babies back and forth between each others houses but all in all, we had a good time and we made it work! We hardly took any pictures, probably because we were too busy cooking and playing and hanging out, but here is one of Grandpa Todd and Ethan reading a book (just to prove that they were, in fact, here!).

 On Sunday we celebrated Eloise and sweet niece Ella's dedications! Here we are, getting ready to head out the door.
 Have I mentioned how much I love these two?

And here we all are at the dedication. Note Pete's feat of strength holding 40 pound Ethan up there the whole time while he flailed about. We could have dropped him off at Journey Kids before hand but we wanted him to be there for his sister and cousin's special day. Plus, Pete got to get a work out in too, in front of the whole church. :)
Sweet niece Ella Sophia. 
And our precious Eloise Joy.

Twins? Nope. Just moms with great taste who happened to buy the same outfit without knowing it!  (Seriously, we really didn't know!)

My prayer is that both of these lovely ladies would know Jesus and that God would use us as parents to teach our kids about who He is. One of my favorite pastors, Matt Chandler - who preaches at The Village Church in Dallas, TX - says that all we can do is build kindling around our kids (by telling them about Jesus and living out of the acceptance we have in Christ) and pray that God would set that kindling on fire. It is His grace that saves any of us, and I pray that he would save our kids and that they would come to richly believe the gospel! 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

too cute

Ethan's favorite word lately is "cute." Talk about cute! Seriously.
 They were so cute we thought we'd try to get all of us looking cute. Not quite as successful.

Back to the pumpkinheads.
 Oh, how I love these kiddos!

larry and tink

We had a fun Halloween this year! The day before Halloween we carved pumpkins. Correction - mommy and daddy carved pumpkins while Ethan had fun putting on the pumpkin lids over and over again. Here we are getting started.

The Weseloh Family Pumpkins.

This is Pete's favorite "artistic" shot - Ethan is actually in this picture, right above his pumpkin (the second one in from the left). Because of the way he took the picture, Ethan looked a bit "ghostly."

On Halloween Ethan was super excited to dress up as Larry the Cucumber (from Veggie Tales). He was so excited when Halloween was here and he could finally wear it!
 And sweet Eloise dressed up as Tinkerbell!
 Larry and Tinkerbell, just hanging out.

We hosted a mom's group Halloween party at our house and had a fun time.

 Here are a few attempted group shots.

Later that afternoon, Ethan wanted to put his costume on after his nap. Larry, with Larry.

 Pete took Ethan trick or treating later that night and the girls stayed home, as Eloise has been enjoying a 5pm bedtime lately. All in all, a Happy Halloween!