Wednesday, December 15, 2010

oh what a day/week/weeks

We have been in the midst of a very trying couple of weeks. Pete made a good point today that God uses parenthood as a means to sanctify us and boy is that true. After Pete and I (and Grandma Sheila & Grandpa Dean) got through the stomach flu a couple weeks ago, Ethan continued with his cough that he's had for 3 weeks and ended up getting his ear infection (and subsequent diaper rash). Then last week as Ethan was healing from both, I came down with a nasty sore throat and fever (doctor supposes strep or tonsillitis) and started my own set of antibiotics just as Ethan finished up his bottle.
And then today. Ethan and I got bundled up and headed to the mall to do some Christmas shopping and as we were getting ready to head out of the mall, Ethan fell out of his stroller and smacked his head on the floor. He screamed, got a major goose egg and an even more panicked and distraught mama. As I consoled him and got some ice wrapped in paper towel from a nice lady at Cinnabon, Pete came from work to the mall to console me.

Thankfully it looks like he should be fine. The doctor just wants us to monitor him through the night and give some tylenol as needed. But boy does this mama's heart want to go back and have a re-do on today! As Pete reminded me throughout the rest of the day: these last weeks are definitely a bit of a trial we have been going through; meant to help teach and shape our character. Today was really hard. Sometimes being a parent is scary and I don't know what to do and wish I would have done something differently, but it is days like today that show me how much I need to place my trust in Jesus who can take my fears and give me His strength to actually be able to do this whole parenting thing.

So, here are a few pictures of the injured child and his goose egg a couple hours after the big smack:

1 comment:

  1. Best part of these pics is that in the first one he is with mom and playing the it hurts so bad card. The last one with me he is like "look how tough I am"
