Tuesday, March 13, 2012

ethan at 21 months

Amidst all of these doctor visits and scans and babies being born, Ethan just continues to grow like a weed! The last few months have been so fun to just watch as our little man starts to truly grow into a young boy. Still very tall, of course. He weighs in at over 35 pounds and 36.5 inches - we're starting to move into 4T shirts and 3T pants and considering moving him to a toddler bed because he is just so darn big for his crib!

His language has had a major burst over the last few months as well. He is learning new words every week and has a vocabulary of over 85+ words! He is communicating so much more clearly and starting to articulate some of his baby words very well - a "da du" is now a "bubble" and "bup" is now "up" as a few examples. I think my favorite new word of late is "nuggle" (snuggle). He's tried a few spanish numbers as well - he can say "doh" (dos), "ocho" and cinco. He loves to talk about his friends (Vi Vi and Jake) and Auntie and "mumma" (Grandma) all the time.
Ethan is very persistent and directive on what he wants you to be doing at all times. He takes us by the hand to place us in the spot he wants us to be, commanding us to "sit" or "ead" (read). He is adamant about closing doors (and opening them) and loves to climb all over the furniture. He loves his blankie (didi) and his stuffed cucumber Larry - they have to be with him pretty much wherever we go throughout the house. His "raff" (giraffe) can also be pretty critical from time to to time. He also loves to watch Larry every day - he hands us the remote and asks for Larry and loves to watch the sing a long song DVD (but only for 10 minutes or so, as we're trying not to do a lot of TV yet!).

He also is very interested in putting things together and seeing how things work. He has started to really enjoy playing with his mega blocks and shape sorter. Opening and closing anything is also a big fascination.

He continues to be a bucket of energy as well. Racing all over the house, he much prefers running to walking. He loves to go to the park and is gaining so much more awareness of his body and how to climb on or off things (this has helped his mama especially to not panic so much about him falling all of the time!). He is such a sweet delight to our family and it is so much fun to see him learning and growing so quickly!

Ethan Matthew Weseloh, we love you so, so SO much!

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