Wednesday, April 16, 2014

back on schedule

We received great news on Monday that Ethan's counts were over 1400 - way past the goal of 750 and so we were able to resume his chemotherapy today (Wednesday). It has been a blessing and a little nerve wracking at the same time to have a 3 week break from chemo. On the one hand - it was nice to have a break and get to do normal things without having to worry about his tubie (what we call his port being accessed), or really any medicines to give at all, so no side effects to monitor or help with. On the other hand, as cancer parents, it's hard to not wonder why his counts took a while to recover. The team continues to assure us that this is normal and that his body just needed some time to recover.

This past week, while we were still in the waiting period, we enjoyed lots of time at home and finally got to enjoy spending time outside!

And time inside too. I found them like this the other morning, just hanging out.

And, we were super excited to have our Team Ethan shirts arrive! Ethan wore his for two days straight, day and night. :)

Side note - look at her curls! SO sweet!

A great picture of their relationship lately. They LOVE to play together and have been running around like crazy. But then, this.

Because Ethan's counts improved and he was no longer neutropenic he also got to go back to school yesterday and was so very excited!

So, it's been a blessing to have lots of together time and get back to some normal things. Today, we are back on schedule and his therapy schedule should remain the same for the next month. He has 3 chemos today - one that he takes for 4 days,  and another that he takes for 14 days. The other chemo he takes today has a risk of impacting his bladder and kidneys so our visit to the clinic is longer so that he can get lots of IV fluids to flush the chemo from his system.

Thank you for all your continued prayers!

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