Sunday, July 20, 2014

big week ahead

This week on Wednesday (July 23rd) Ethan is scheduled to start his next phase of chemo called Delayed Intensification.

Thankfully, we've had a chance to get out and enjoy summer a bit before this next round starts.

Ethan and Eloise got to have a special movie night with our friend Kelly while Pete and I got a date night out. 

Eloise has continued to be very particular about her clothing - we've started a very intense PINK phase - it has been days since she has worn a different color. Here she is in her swimsuit that she wore for 2 days straight. 

Last week we survived having Pete gone for 4 days on a business trip to Minnesota.

On top of Pete being out of town for the first part of last week, I ended up coming down with some pretty horrible stomach pain for a few days that I ended up going to the ER for on Thursday night. It ended up being something called gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining) and after a few days on a few antacids I am definitely on the upswing.

Which brings me to the week ahead. As I've mentioned several times now, this phase of chemo could be rough. A lot like what the first couple of months were like - low counts, side effects, increased risk for infections, etc.

So, I've got a couple specific prayer requests for you as we start this new week and new phase:

1. Please pray for Ethan - protection for his body from the harsh effects of chemo both short and long term. Ethan also started a runny nose on Friday night that is still here - can you please pray that this illness will be healed quickly? Please also pray protection over Wednesday's chemo and scheduled sedation for intrathecal chemo.

2. Please also pray for me - my stomach issue last week was pretty rotten and I'm thankful that I'm on the upswing, but please pray that my stomach will heal.

3. Please pray for strength for this next round, for Ethan and for all of us.

Thank you all so much for continuing on this journey with us.

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