Monday, May 2, 2011


Sorry it's been a couple weeks since I've posted! We borrowed our laptop to some friends for the last few weeks and I haven't taken time to do any posts at night with Pete's work computer until now. So, a recap:

We went to the Journey's easter egg hunt the weekend before Easter. Ethan got to hunt in the 1-2 year old egg hunt on a very blustery spring day (the wind chill made the temp like 35 degrees or something).

Ethan soon learned his favorite thing to do was to shake, shake shake the basket and knock out all of his eggs.
He also got to meet the Easter bunny, and seemed pretty excited about it!
Easter weekend was pretty crazy as The Journey had one service for all 4 campuses at The Chaifetz arena downtown. We spent most of Saturday setting things up and then most of Easter Sunday working! Ethan was a serious stud and somehow took a nap in his stroller on Saturday afternoon (after Pete walked him around and around the arena while I set up toys in our Journey Kids room) and on Sunday morning too! It was a major effort to get everything set up and was pretty exciting to be a part of such a big service. We ended up having over 300 kids on Sunday in Journey Kids and 3700 people at the service. What a celebration of Jesus' resurrection!

We squeezed some quick Easter egg dyeing on Saturday morning before things got crazy. Here we are at the beginning of our egg dyeing adventure.

What you can't see in the above picture is what we soon discovered after I handed Ethan over to Pete. Pete smelled the poop, then realized it was on his hand. Ethan had pooped out of his diaper and it was not only on Pete's hand but all over the high chair (and then somehow also on the floor). We quickly got Ethan upstairs and gave him a bath. Once we got back downstairs I realized that I had poop all down my sweatshirt - duh (again, note the above picture with precious child on my hip). So, finally, after we all were fresh and clean, we resumed egg dyeing!

Our end results!

On Easter morning we had to be at the Chaifetz bright and early for final set up but Ethan was able to check out his first Easter basket before we left. He really enjoyed his new Charlie Chick.
Really, really enjoyed.
Here is Ethan checking out the arena at the Chaifetz.

And again, I don't know how it happened, but somehow he slept!
After a long couple of days we decided to have a low key Easter dinner later that afternoon with Auntie and Uncle Russell and another couple from church. All in all a very busy Easter indeed!

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