Wednesday, May 11, 2011

fracture :(

So the x-ray results are in and it's official: Ethan has a small linear skull fracture on the right side of his head. Unbelievable. This week has been really, really hard - the fear of the skull fracture and feelings of guilt that I didn't know sooner what was wrong, compiled with trying to make sure he is safe and comfortable and okay...has been very, very tiring! Luckily he still has not presented with any neurological symptoms (eye crossing, vomiting, muscle weakness, etc) and so the doctor doesn't suspect any brain issues. Because he hasn't had any major symptoms we are going to forgo a CT scan and save his little body from the radiation and just keep a very close watch for any changes. This mama bear is going to be watching Ethan like a hawk!

Here are just a few pics of his head "bulge" as best I could capture while he was taking his bath this morning:

And yet my happy little camper hasn't let his skull fracture get the best of him and has still, for the most part, been all smiles. My precious boy. So thankful to Jesus that he wasn't more seriously injured! Keep him in your prayers please!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey there!! I was trying to find things about skull fractures in infants and came across your blog. My daughter has a probably skull fracture (no neuro symptoms, so no CT was ordered to spare her from unneeded radiation). She has the same squishy place on the side of her head just like your son. Can you tell me how long it took to go away? And did they ever give the squishy lump a name? I know this blog was a few years back, so I hope your little guy is doing well
