Monday, May 5, 2014

team ethan day at ethan's school tomorrow!

You guys. We have been so beyond blessed during this season, by so many people in so many places. The prayers and encouragement and messages and care packages and meals and gift cards and funds and just so many things. I know I've said that before, but I will say it again because it is worth repeating. Our family has been so incredibly blessed and we are so very grateful. 

I was having a particularly hard time last week - not for any reason in particular - but just because this is a tough season, and there are just times - sometimes just a moment or other times days or weeks - when things just feel harder and more sad. So anyway, that was me last week, when on Thursday I happened to get a call from Ethan's school letting me know that they wanted to have a school-wide Team Ethan day in support of Ethan and our family. 

Team Ethan Day at Ethan's school, City Garden Montessori, will officially be tomorrow - Tuesday May 6th, where everyone is encouraged to wear red. You can't imagine how blessed and supported and excited we are for such a special and thoughtful day. Even more excited that Ethan will be able to attend school tomorrow too - and so will be able to see all of his friends and teachers wearing RED in support of all that he is going through.

Thank you City Garden Montessori and everyone in support of Ethan. Seriously - THANK YOU!

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