Sunday, June 15, 2014

spaghetti & a good week

You guys. I am beyond thrilled and relieved to tell you that Ethan is feeling so much better! The real turn seemed to start on Tuesday night with spaghetti, brought by our friend Kelly (yes, the same Kelly who brightened our Sunday last weekend). Ethan actually requested to have that spaghetti for dinner, and then proceeded to eat spaghetti for breakfast, lunch and dinner for the next two days until it ran out. It was glorious. After so many days of such a poor appetite, watching him eat made me want to sing from a mountaintop. For real.

As the rest of the week went on, Ethan's energy increased and so we were thankfully able to have some quality time just hanging out together and getting out a bit. 
Overjoyed to be pushing their own carts at Trader Joes.
"Picking lettuce" (vines) from their "garden"
A picture of Eloise lately - independent and getting in to everything!
We even got a chance to have another birthday celebration for Ethan & Eloise with the Weseloh side of the family - enjoying the beautiful weather on Saturday with a bbq and some cake. Oh, and bubbles too. 
The cousins (and Betsy) ready and waiting for the bubbles to begin.

#1 - Check out the intensity of Pete with that bubble wand #2 - the kids! and #3 - Betsy, who thought the bubbles were all for her. :)

Today we had a chance to celebrate Pete for Father's Day. The kids and I had some fun earlier in the week getting a special picture ready. 

Per usual, our photo session was going just fine...
 Until it wasn't. :)
I would be remiss to not take a moment and publicly share how much of a blessing my sweet Pete is to our family. This year has been unexpected and taken us to the depths. Ethan and Eloise are abundantly blessed to have Pete as their daddy and I am so thankful that Pete is my guy. I could not imagine having to walk this journey with anyone else. Pete - thank you for steadfastly praying for all of us. For not hiding your fears and struggles. For opening your life and heart to honorable men who can speak into your life. For loving our sweet babes and giving them "belly sandwiches." For letting me talk and cry and be angry and sad. I love you. Happy Father's Day!

This week Ethan is scheduled to have chemo on both Monday and Tuesday. His lab work from Friday came back great with his ANC being over 4000 and so he will remain on schedule. He will get 2 IV chemos on Monday and then get the IV chemo on Tuesday that has the higher probability of an allergic reaction. My dad and step mom are coming in to town on Thursday for a long weekend visit (hooray!) and so we are praying that Ethan (and the rest of us) will remain healthy. 

Thank you so much for praying for us, you guys!

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