Sunday, June 1, 2014

weekend recap

What a busy weekend it has been - filled with mostly good things, but sure has left us feeling pretty tired! After last week's 2 days of chemo infusions on Wednesday and Thursday, Ethan spiked a fever on Friday night at around 6:30pm when we were winding down for the night. So, off to the ER we went as we always have to have cultures and labs drawn when he has a fever in order to rule out the possibility of a central line infection. Thankfully, Ethan was a major trooper - in fact, he is thankfully usually pretty excited to go to the hospital since there are lots of elevators to take and places to roam. We were also blessed to have a fantastic nurse, which is always such a huge help during hours-long ER visits.
Our champ at the ER, just "slightly" sleepy at 10pm. 
Thankfully Ethan's counts were still up - over 2200! And so they gave him a 24 hour antibiotic in case of a central line infection, drew labs and cultures, and then gave him some tylenol to help with the fever. And then - discharged, with orders to call if he continued to have fevers through the next day. 

Saturday morning Eloise had "Show Week" at her Little Gym class. Since Ethan's diagnosis, Pete has been the one taking Eloise to her weekly class on Saturdays and they've enjoyed some special Daddy/Daughter time, but I was excited to come with this week too to see our girl and all the skills she's gained in class.
Very excited about her special medal!
Somehow, all of the kids stayed still for a group photo. :)

Saturday afternoon we had been planning to have a small birthday party with some of Ethan & Eloise's friends and some of our friends but because of Ethan's fever on Friday that was still there on Saturday morning we decided to cancel the party and instead just had a mini-celebration with my mom and stepdad and my sister and brother in law and their kids. 

Ethan requested a doctor birthday party this year and so even though we've postponed the party for now, he and Eloise both got some great "doctor" coats from Auntie & Uncle Russell that will be great for whenever we get to have the party!

So all in all, a busy weekend and today (Sunday) we've pretty much laid low and have been resting. Ethan's fever was gone by yesterday afternoon (thankfully) and since he didn't have any other symptoms of a sickness I would guess that his fever was due to the chemo that he had last week, as 2 of the chemos have "fever" listed as a side effect, although there really isn't a way to know for sure, of course. Whatever caused it, I'm just thankful that it's gone and that we weren't admitted. 

This week Grandma Sheila is heading back to North Dakota after about a month long stay. Ethan's next chemo infusion is scheduled for this Friday June 6th - also his 4th birthday! I'm bummed of course that he has to have chemo on his birthday but we've got a morning appointment scheduled so hopefully our clinic visit will be a short part of his special day. 

A big prayer request this week is for Ethan's birthday - he has been talking about his birthday for months now and has been so excited. Can you please pray that he will feel well, all things considered, and we can really celebrate? Thank you!

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