Monday, September 17, 2012

auntie sara gets married

Before we left for Minnesota Pete's sister Sara got married! She and Julio decided to do a courthouse wedding on a beautiful, bright sunny Wednesday in Clayton (August 29th). Somehow both kids made it through the ceremony and then Ethan spent a lot of time running and running and running outside of the courthouse.

Waiting for the ceremony to begin. Excuse our "perspired look" --  we had just made a run a few blocks in the heat to get to the ceremony on time.
Sweet niece Brookelyn showing off her somersault skills.
Ethan and Grandpa Hank.
Sara and Julio getting hitched!

The bride and groom and Julian. Sara was a beautiful bride!

We took some all Weseloh family photos after the ceremony but apparently our camera wasn't in the line up for the photo op. And Ethan was running around like crazy. We tried a quick pic here, but as you can see he was not thrilled with the idea of sitting down.

Congrats to the bride and groom! :)

summer vacation

We just got back from our end-of-summer vacation to Minnesota! We had a really good trip and the kids did such a great job traveling!

Since mommy and daddy had brought all of our bags with and packed them in the car, Ethan made sure to bring his bag with too.

Since it is a 13 hour drive to my dad's house in northern Minnesota from St. Louis, we decided to make our first stop about halfway there at Wisconsin Dells. On the way Ethan mostly entertained himself and Eloise slept a lot.

We stayed at the Polynesian ("dated" with early 90s decor, but totally great for toddlers!) and enjoyed some pool time!

Eloise and I stayed mostly on the pool deck. Could she be any cuter in her little swimsuit?
She even took a snooze in the baby bjorn.
An attempted shot of our family of four!
One of our biggest challenges on the trip was getting our rambunctious and very curious toddler who no longer sleeps in a crib, to fall asleep in the hotel bed. During our night at the Dells we tried letting him just explore the room a bit, thinking he would wear out eventually and go to bed. Unfortunately he seemed only to be revving up and so after an hour or so we made him stay in the bed, which he majorly protested, of course (read: lots and lots of high pitched screaming for about an hour). What seemed to finally calm him down was when I started to sing the "Amen" chorus over and over and over again.

Eloise woke up at 4am (per usual) to nurse that night and so did my sweet Ethan. He jumped out of bed and started throwing all of our trash in the trash cans. He then grabbed all of the leftover parmesan packets from the pizza we had had for dinner and started arranging them on the bed. Needless to say, he was up for the day.
After some morning pool time we headed out for our second stop of the trip - Eau Claire, WI for our friends Andrew and Katie's wedding. Thankfully Ethan managed to sleep for a bit in the car!
And the wedding? Well, we saw about 10 minutes of the hour-long ceremony as the kids were quite loud and antsy.

And then we were off to my dad's house for the rest of the week! My dad and step mom got to meet Eloise for the first time and we enjoyed a week filled with lots of time relaxing and spending time outside!

Eloise and Grandma Bonnie.

Checking out Grandpa Todd.

Eloise got to try out a new bathtub bucket.
Taking a snooze.
These two are just too cute!

Time with Uncle Corey.

We also were there to celebrate Grandma Bonnie's 50th Birthday! Ethan enjoyed some birthday cake.
Eloise spending time with my Auntie Kim.
After spending a great week with my dad we headed to the Twin Cities for the weekend. After our hotel experience in the Dells I knew it was going to be a rough couple of nights, but we survived! We were able to spend some time with my uncle Rob & auntie Gail and the cousins on Saturday night.
Ethan wore the cousins out I think! He was running inside, outside --- outside, inside --- everywhere! Grace was especially a great helper to her little cousin.

And, just before we were ready to head out, Ethan fell and bumped his head. We had made it the whole week without an owie so I suppose it was bound to happen! Jack helped carry the patient back to mommy and daddy.

And after surviving another night in the hotel, we headed out bright and early Sunday morning back to St. Louis. We were all pretty tired after having such a fun vacation!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

eloise at 3 months

I'm a couple weeks late in getting this posted but our sweet Eloise turned 3 months old at the end of August. She accomplished a new milestone by rolling from her back to her tummy right around her 3 month birthday. Our girl is so strong! She is wearing 3-6 month and 6 month size clothes right now and size 2 diapers. She has been nursing about 7 times a day (which seems like nothing compared to her first month or two!) and goes to sleep around 7:30pm and wakes up somewhere between 4am and 6am.

She is still taking short naps throughout the day - usually 5, 30 minute naps each day. She is most definitely crying less and is able to handle more time on her own (on the play mat or in her swing) without crying. The main challenge has still been trying to figure out how to get her to sleep - as she wails when I put her down in her crib awake. (But more on that in another post, as we are in the midst of hopefully turning a corner on this one!)

Here are pictures from her 3 month chair photo shoot: