Monday, May 9, 2016

turning the page: from years to months

Friends! My goodness, it's been a long stretch since I've written. And for good reason... we have been having ourselves a very busy spring!

Where to begin? Let's start with our biggest family life change... (drum roll)... I'm a working woman once again! I started working full time in February at our church in the human resources department. Yes, a major life change, and one that's been exciting and challenging all at the same time as we learn how to navigate life as a family with two working parents. Thankfully, for the most part, things have gone fairly well so far.

Ethan has been doing pretty well too. Gosh, he is such a trooper. We had a 3-day hospital stay in March because of two viruses that tanked his blood counts and it took some time for him to recover from that. In two weeks he will start Cycle 8 (of 12) on May 25th, which will include a sedation for intrathecal chemo, IV chemo, and his 5 day dose of steroids.

We are looking forward to his preschool graduation on the last day of school as well - next year our boy is on to Kindergarten! And, in less than a month he's turning six. SIX!

Eloise has continued to blossom and chatter all of the time. She loves her ballet class and loves to tell us about pretty much anything and ask us "why" about everything. She dresses herself in her very own unique style (think dresses, layered with skirts and t-shirts in mixed prints). Somehow, she turns 4 years old on May 28th. This girl is beyond precious.

And probably the thing that feels most grand is that this month we begin the countdown of 12 MONTHS TO GO of Ethan's treatment, if everything continues as planned.

You guys. 12. Months. To. Go.

When Ethan began this treatment, it felt difficult to even compute in my mind what 3.5 years of treatment meant. Our boy was only 3 1/2 years old at the time, and I remember thinking, you mean he's going to be almost 7 when this is done? How is that possible?

And now, here we are, hitting another milestone. Now, instead of counting YEARS, we start counting MONTHS. It feels big, and I'm thankful and grateful and nervous and joyful all at the same time.

Since we always treasure your prayers for our family, here are ways you can pray for us:

  • Pray for Ethan's continued healing from leukemia and for protection from the negative effects of chemotherapy. 
  • As Ethan grows older, he is learning and understanding more about his treatment and even about leukemia. Pray for his heart and mind to learn what is needed and pray for us as parents to have discernment in talking with him about all that he's gone through. 
  • Pray for our family as we continue to navigate this new chapter of having both Pete and I working.
Thanks for continuing to walk with us on this long journey, friends. We are thankful for you!