Wednesday, January 26, 2011

nfc championship game

Boy did we have an awesome time in Chicago for the big game! It was FREEZING cold - especially after the sun went down halfway through the second quarter but our hearts were sure warm as we cheered on the Pack to victory!

We left bright and early at 5:15am and got to Chicago around 9:30am. We had some time to kill so we were nostalgic and drove around our old neighborhood reminiscing about our old sweet home Chicago. We got a chance to visit our friends Jen and Justin briefly and then we were off to the stadium!

On our walk to the stadium we enjoyed seeing other Packer fans along the way. Here are some fans riding in style.
Our view from our seats was pretty sweet. Here is Donald Driver making his way on to the field.
Aaron Rodgers and company.
Here you can see Aaron Rodgers with the ball - he scored a touchdown on this play.
Did I mention it was COLD?

This is right after we WON!!!

You can see Aaron right in the middle of all the cameras making his way to the locker room.
All of the Packer fans made their way down to the lower level where the Packers tunnel was. We all thought they would do the NFC Championship trophy presentation on the field but they ended up doing it in the locker room. Everyone was cheering and screaming - it was awesome!
A couple of fans had Monday's edition of the Milwaukee paper that would be distributed if the Pack won.
It was a great, great, GREAT day!!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Each weekend the Weseloh household has been decked out in our Packer gear cheering on the Green and Gold to victory. In celebration of our birthdays coming up this week Pete bought tickets for he and I to go to the NFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME in Chicago tomorrow! Auntie Lindsay and Uncle Russell graciously agreed to watch the little man tomorrow and so Pete and I are going to be taking a day trip to Chicago to go to the game! You may even see us on TV as our seats are 4 rows off the field behind the Packers bench. We will sure miss the little guy but January weather in Chicago is not the ideal setting for an infant and I'm sure he'll enjoy some great bonding with Auntie and Uncle Russell.


bubble time

One of Ethan's (actually Papa's) favorite Christmas gifts this year was bubbles! This is one of Pete's favorite things to do with Ethan these days and so we often end up with bubbles all over the house!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

on his way to being a big boy

Ethan and I took a trip to Target yesterday and he got to ride in the front of the cart like a big boy! He was a little tentative at first but got comfortable pretty quickly and kept looking around at all the things to see in the store!

Friday, January 14, 2011

7 months old

Well we can hardly believe that Ethan is 7 months old! He is becoming so much more active and expressive and I'm sure soon to be mobile! A few things about Ethan at 7 months:

-He is learning to sit up by himself very well.
-He really likes rolling over in his crib and has finally learned how to roll back. For a long time he would just roll over to his tummy and stay wedged against the side of the crib. Now he is rolling back which makes our job a bit easier since we don't have to go and roll him back over.
-His fine motor skills are developing. He picks up smaller objects and is very good at getting them straight to his mouth.
-He has teeth! The two bottom teeth are slowly moving on in - very sharp, but very cute!
-He is loving solid foods. Right now he eats a good breakfast and dinner and we will be adding lunch probably over the next week or so. We have taught him to keep his "hands down" when he eats but he often will have just one hand raised as if giving a testimony or asking a question - it is too funny!
-He laughs and laughs, especially when Papa tickles his tummy with his nose.
-He is gaining strength in his arms and pushes up a lot when he is on his tummy. No crawling yet but he's getting there little by little.
-He is still wearing 12 month clothes but he is getting ready to move on up to the next size pretty soon.

Here are a few pics from our 7 month photo shoot on Jan 6th:

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

first teeth

Here's a quick peek (as best I could capture) of what Ethan's been working on the last week or so...
His first two teeth are poking through! The little man is growing up too fast for this mama. :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

happy new year

New Year's Eve started off with some stormy weather here in the Lou. We were in a tornado warning (a tornado actually touched down about 10-15 miles from our house) and so we set up Ethan's small pack and play in the stairwell for his first nap of the day. This was the pack and play we used as a bassinet when Ethan was first born. Now as you can see he is almost too big for it!
Ethan and I were deciding what cookies to make for our New Year's Eve get together.
Auntie Lindsay and Uncle Russell came over and we all opened up Christmas presents from Grandpa Sheila and Grandpa Dean.
We put Ethan to bed early and spent the evening enjoying food and games. 2010 was such a big year full of so many new things - we became parents and met our precious Ethan, my parents moved to Florida, we lost our beloved bulldog, my sister got married, and we celebrated our 5th year wedding anniversary. We can't wait to see all that 2011 will bring. And though I've never been one to keep any resolutions for the new year this year I'd like to "run more" and "read more" than I did last year - we'll see how it goes. :) Happy New Year!

christmas vacation

I can hardly believe Christmas has already come and gone! We spent Christmas up in Minnesota and had a great time, although it was a pretty quick trip as we flew in to Minneapolis Thursday morning, headed up to northern Minnesota Christmas Eve night and then flew back out of Minneapolis on Monday night! Ethan was quite the trooper through all the travels - taking his first flight, having to nap and sleep in new places, staying up way past his bed time, and getting passed around to all of the excited family members throughout the weekend. It was a whirlwind but totally worth it!

Here is Ethan on Thursday morning at about 5:30am all bundled up in his orange coat waiting for Uncle Russell to come and pick us up and bring us to the airport. He was in great spirits considering we had to wake him up 2-3 hours before he normally gets up!

Here we are at the airport. Pete and I thought we had a good plan by bringing the Baby Bjorn carrier with for me to carry Ethan in while we were in the airport. The problem was that I didn't put Ethan in the carrier until we got through security and by that time we only had a short walk to the gate! I had spent at least 45 minutes carrying my 20 pound child on my hip while also balancing a few carry ons while we waited to check in, drop off baggage and get through security. Live and learn - on our return flight we put Ethan in the Baby Bjorn right after we got out of the car!

Here we are waiting to board the plane!
We spent Christmas Eve with my mom's side of the family, hosted by cousin Janelle and cousin-in-law Andrew.

The Flannel Family Weseloh
Ethan with cousin Lainie.
Andrew's Grandma Maryann spent some time with Ethan too and even let him wear her Santa hat for a bit.
Papa and Ethan, sporting his brand new "J&L Auto Repair" hat from Lainie & Jeremy.
We headed up to my dad's house in northern Minnesota late Christmas Eve night.
On Christmas morning Ethan tried peas for the very first time while sitting on Grandpa Todd's lap.
We had fun opening up stocking presents.
Ethan got to enjoy a bath in Grandma & Grandpa's sink!
It was a very Merry Christmas!
On Monday morning before we left my dad's house for Minneapolis to fly home Ethan had another first - he rolled from his tummy to his back! I snapped this picture right after he did it - we were all pretty excited!
Once we got home we opened up the rest of our presents that we didn't want to have to bring on the plane.
And finally, we headed to Pete's parents house later in the week to have a meal and open up even more presents! These are just a few of the many "attempts" to try and get all 3 cousins together and looking at the camera for their first Christmas. Too cute!