Tuesday, January 31, 2017

cycle 11

Tomorrow, Ethan begins cycle 11 of maintenance. CYCLE ELEVEN. Of 12. He won't even complete the full 12th cycle based on his end of treatment date and so really, Cycle 11 is the last full cycle of maintenance.


You guys, the end of Ethan's treatment is getting closer and closer. Once February hits we are in the 3rd month to go. After 3 years of this, to only have 3 months and some days left feels completely surreal. Exciting. Scary. Thrilling. Nerve-Wracking. Lots of feelings often felt at the same time.

But, tomorrow. Day 1 of Cycle 11, which means Ethan has IV chemo at the hospital (8:30am) and then will be sedated for intrathecal chemo at 10:30am. (Did I mention that after this sedation he will just have one sedation left? Seriously!)

Ethan has actually been battling a few sicknesses over the last couple of weeks. He's had a cough for almost 4 weeks now and about a week and a half ago came down with suspected pink eye, a sinus infection and then a couple days later, a double ear infection. He's been on antibiotics that are thankfully working and his labs have stayed stable. Tomorrow the team will assess whether he can safely be sedated for his intrathecal chemo since his cough is still lingering. You can be in prayer for him that his cough would be healed and that his day will go smoothly tomorrow.

There is more to write since this time of year brings with it many reflections as we remember everything that Ethan has gone through since his diagnosis on January 25, 2014. I'll write more on some of that another time.

For now, thank you for your prayers!