Sunday, December 29, 2013

random fall highlights

 A random compilation of some other Fall highlights around the Weseloh house.

We started drawing a weekly calendar on our chalkboard wall to start learning the days of the week, and to help give a sense of time when we went to San Francisco (We switched the days of the week back to normal once we came back :) )

 Eloise got her very first goose egg, tripping into the front foyer bench.

These two, having a moment. They really do love each other. 

We had a round of sickness at the beginning of Fall with some high fevers and sinus crap. This picture was taken right at the tail end of it --- FREEDOM!

Ethan and I drew pictures of the ocean, in preparation for our big trip to Florida. 

Watching the rain on our front steps. 

In St. Louis, this really is a Fall picture - it can still be pretty warm in early September!

Enjoying family time out to eat. Ethan frequently requests going to "the restaurant" for supper. 

Eloise got her car seat turned around and faces forward like her big brother now. 
 And Ethan got a new big boy booster seat.

Enjoying a Mommy-Daddy-Eloise breakfast date after dropping Ethan off at preschool.

This girl loves to play in the dirt. LOVES it. 

Pushing his very own cart at Trader Joes. 

We took the kids to a Cardinals playoff game. Why no pictures of the game you ask? Because we just walked around and smiled!

And rode the escalators.

We like to take random "cheese" pics. 

Hanging out at Powder Valley. 

Taking advantage of some fresh air, hoping that the kids would run around and get some energy out. But, we ended up together on the bench. We are together, like together these days. :)

betsy lou weseloh

Pete's sister Anna's dog had a litter of 11 puppies this Fall. And the conversation got started in our house about a dog. And perhaps one of the puppies. And then I decided it would help our conversation to go take a look at the puppies *just to see* if I thought one of them looked like ours. And so the kids and I took a drive and it just so happened that one of the puppies DID look like ours. And after much conversation we decided we would indeed take her home. And she would be our dog. Our Betsy Lou Weseloh.

halloween with the pirate and the mouse

For Halloween this year, Ethan was determined to be a pirate. And not just any pirate, but Jake from Jake and the Neverland Pirates. (I know this since there were ZERO stores in our area that had his size in the Jake costumes and so I bought a different pirate costume, thinking it might work but believe me, that poor costume never even made it out of it's bag. Thank goodness for Amazon!)

 He probably wore his costume every day for 2 weeks. :)

Eloise, on the other hand, was our sweet Minnie Mouse, which she chose as well. The girl loves her some Minnie!

They made a pretty cute pair!

ethan's first field trip

Ethan's first-ever field trip was to a pumpkin patch in October with his class! It was so much fun to see Ethan with his classmates and to get a chance to hang out with him at such a fun place!

Waiting for the wagon ride.

Picking out his pumpkin. (Side note - I now understand the rule "You need to be able to carry your own pumpkin" - as Ethan and his buddy both picked HUGE pumpkins that I had to carry for them throughout the field trip).

Mom fail. No socks on, on a day that was fairly cold (note blue owl hat). Who knew that the pumpkin patch/farm had a jumping air bubble thing? 

He jumped anyway. :)

Story time from the Farmer. 

Sweet Ethan, growing up so, so fast!

september vacation diaries

We were blessed in September to be able to enjoy 2 vacations on 2 coasts!

Vacation #1 was KID-FREE - for 4 nights and 5 days to San Francisco and Napa Valley. It was a little scary to step on a plane and leave the kids behind but it didn't take long for us to relax and enjoy some much needed quality time together as a couple. This was our second trip to San Fran and Napa and it continues to be one of our most favorite places to visit.

This was the only picture I could get of the kids before we left. They were too excited to hang out with Kerry and company - we were seriously blessed to have a slew of friends take care of our kids while we were gone!

Just driving through the vineyards.

A huge highlight - getting to go to the PACKER GAME at Candlestick Park. 
 We had an absolute blast!

Vacation #2 happened 2 weeks later at the end of September when we took a family vacation to Cocoa Beach, FL to visit Grandma Sheila. This was our second year renting a beach-front condo with my sister and her kiddos and we had a ton of fun. Most of our time was spent on the beach, as you can see. Ethan, especially, could not get enough ocean time!