Tuesday, May 24, 2011

baby on the move (inch by inch)

After 11 1/2 months Ethan has started to army crawl! Or I should say "army inch" along. He sure has had a big couple of weeks with taking his first steps and now scooting. He is finally ready to be on the move!

Thursday, May 19, 2011


There are few things that bring me such joy as hearing my little man laugh, especially when he gets a good "gut" laugh going.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

fracture :(

So the x-ray results are in and it's official: Ethan has a small linear skull fracture on the right side of his head. Unbelievable. This week has been really, really hard - the fear of the skull fracture and feelings of guilt that I didn't know sooner what was wrong, compiled with trying to make sure he is safe and comfortable and okay...has been very, very tiring! Luckily he still has not presented with any neurological symptoms (eye crossing, vomiting, muscle weakness, etc) and so the doctor doesn't suspect any brain issues. Because he hasn't had any major symptoms we are going to forgo a CT scan and save his little body from the radiation and just keep a very close watch for any changes. This mama bear is going to be watching Ethan like a hawk!

Here are just a few pics of his head "bulge" as best I could capture while he was taking his bath this morning:

And yet my happy little camper hasn't let his skull fracture get the best of him and has still, for the most part, been all smiles. My precious boy. So thankful to Jesus that he wasn't more seriously injured! Keep him in your prayers please!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ethan's first steps

You can see a little bit of the joy we experienced on Sunday with Ethan's first steps! Definitely a work in progress but still...he's growing up!

my first official mother's day

On Sunday I got to enjoy my first official mother's day! It kind of felt a little bit like my birthday with all the pampering, gifts and words of affirmation! The day got started with a special card and gift and flowers from Pete and Ethan. Ethan helped me open up the card-

We went to lunch at one of our favorite restaurants Pi and enjoyed some pizza on a seriously gorgeous blue sky day!
Ethan got a chance to stretch his legs.
And then we tried to get a good head shot of the three of us.
Later on Lindsay and Russell came over and we enjoyed some delicious bbq.

It was an extra special day because Ethan also decided to take his first steps! We captured a couple steps on my iPhone and so I will upload that soon. It was a great Mother's Day present!

The only not so great part of the day was an accidental fall Ethan took when he was standing up and lost his balance - he went sideways and hit the floor on the side of his head. He was pretty upset and it took a lot of consoling to calm down, and then a lot of consoling later on to get to sleep. Yesterday (Monday) I felt a squishy lump on his head and so we took him to the doctor today who ordered an x ray of his skull to see if there was a fracture. We'll get the results tomorrow and go from there. Really hoping and praying that my sweet boy doesn't have a skull fracture, but thankful that he hasn't had any other "head trauma" symptoms. The doctor doesn't think there is anything wrong with his brain, it may "just" be a bone fracture on his skull or best case - swelling and fluid. It seems a little surreal to even think that a random fall could actually result in a skull fracture, but, not much to do at this point but wait and pray.

11 months old

Ethan is officially a big 11 month old - well on his way to becoming a toddler! This month has been such a joy - he is becoming so much more active (although still not yet crawling!). He does scoot himself around in a kind of circle to get to different toys that are in reach. He loves to babble - his favorite phrase right now is "dadadadada" and sometimes "mumumum." He is getting a lot more stable and really loves to stand a lot. He has started to do a little "dancing" when he stands and even graced us with a "bye bye" wave on Friday for the first time!

Now that he is 11 months we've started the slow transition to whole milk - so far so good but we're taking it slow and replacing one nursing feeding per week/week and a half. The little man is truly becoming a little man!

Once we got through some of the pictures Ethan started to get a little restless.And with mama's help he was back on the floor!

Monday, May 2, 2011

ethan babbling

a few of my favorite things

There are things that I don't want to forget about this precious time in the little man's life. Some sweet, some quirky little things that are starting to show in Ethan's personality that are just too precious and so I've tried to capture a few here.

First, his hair. Seriously, it's precious. This is my view of him in the back seat of the car.
He loves to sometimes "hold on" while we go for a walk.
And sleeping! For being so far off the charts in his height he sure likes to scrunch himself into the most awkward, cramped positions in his crib while he sleeps.

Right now he loves to read the same book over and over and over again. His current favorite is the Easter book he got from Grandma Sheila and Grandpa Dean.
And really topping my favorite list is how he crosses his feet while he eats. PRECIOUS!
And oh, that smile. He loves to scrunch his face and wrinkle his cute nose. Melts my heart.
I'm feeling more and more sentimental since he's only a month away from being a year old and is just getting so big! He is truly such a blessing!


Sorry it's been a couple weeks since I've posted! We borrowed our laptop to some friends for the last few weeks and I haven't taken time to do any posts at night with Pete's work computer until now. So, a recap:

We went to the Journey's easter egg hunt the weekend before Easter. Ethan got to hunt in the 1-2 year old egg hunt on a very blustery spring day (the wind chill made the temp like 35 degrees or something).

Ethan soon learned his favorite thing to do was to shake, shake shake the basket and knock out all of his eggs.
He also got to meet the Easter bunny, and seemed pretty excited about it!
Easter weekend was pretty crazy as The Journey had one service for all 4 campuses at The Chaifetz arena downtown. We spent most of Saturday setting things up and then most of Easter Sunday working! Ethan was a serious stud and somehow took a nap in his stroller on Saturday afternoon (after Pete walked him around and around the arena while I set up toys in our Journey Kids room) and on Sunday morning too! It was a major effort to get everything set up and was pretty exciting to be a part of such a big service. We ended up having over 300 kids on Sunday in Journey Kids and 3700 people at the service. What a celebration of Jesus' resurrection!

We squeezed some quick Easter egg dyeing on Saturday morning before things got crazy. Here we are at the beginning of our egg dyeing adventure.

What you can't see in the above picture is what we soon discovered after I handed Ethan over to Pete. Pete smelled the poop, then realized it was on his hand. Ethan had pooped out of his diaper and it was not only on Pete's hand but all over the high chair (and then somehow also on the floor). We quickly got Ethan upstairs and gave him a bath. Once we got back downstairs I realized that I had poop all down my sweatshirt - duh (again, note the above picture with precious child on my hip). So, finally, after we all were fresh and clean, we resumed egg dyeing!

Our end results!

On Easter morning we had to be at the Chaifetz bright and early for final set up but Ethan was able to check out his first Easter basket before we left. He really enjoyed his new Charlie Chick.
Really, really enjoyed.
Here is Ethan checking out the arena at the Chaifetz.

And again, I don't know how it happened, but somehow he slept!
After a long couple of days we decided to have a low key Easter dinner later that afternoon with Auntie and Uncle Russell and another couple from church. All in all a very busy Easter indeed!