Wednesday, October 31, 2012

eloise's first time trying solids!

Eloise seemed ready for solids so we decided to give it a try!

sweet eloise at 5 months

Baby girl is a big 5 month old now! Our girl has really seemed to have a growth spurt over the last few weeks and is starting to fill out a little more. She is currently wearing 6-9 month clothes, but really leaning more toward 9 month sizes as she is just so darn tall! She is still nursing 6 times a day, although the last feed of the day is usually a bottle of formula now.

What else is new with baby girl? She still loves to stand and so loves to hang out in her exersaucer, although I would still say her favorite thing is to be held by her mama. :) She is constantly rolling all over the place and often spends most of her floor time on her tummy. She is putting everything in her mouth right now and I suspect she is teething, although I haven't seen the official tooth popping through yet. She just drools, chews on everything, and has her hands in her mouth all the time. As for sleep, baby girl sleeps through the night from about 5 or 5:30 at night until 5 in the morning, although she will every now and then wake up once to nurse from time to time. She usually takes 3 or 4 40 minute naps each day.

Here are her 5 month chair pictures!

 Big brother joined the photo shoot. Ethan is hands down Eloise's most favorite person.

Happy 5 months sweet Eloise Joy!

pumpkin patch

We had a fun family morning at a pumpkin patch a couple of weeks ago. It was my first time going to an official "patch" and it was so much fun! Auntie Sara, Julian, Grandma Denise and Brookelyn met us there.

First on the agenda was checking out the chicken coop.

Taking a wagon ride over to the pumpkins.

Picking out our pumpkins!

Attempting a brother-sister shot.

And an attempted Weseloh Family shot.

More wagon rides.

 Ethan and Grandma Denise.

And the cousins. These guys are all growing up way too fast!

All in all a fun morning! Hooray for fall!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

the ocean and the elevator

Family vacation success! We had a great trip to Cocoa Beach, FL with my sister and her family to visit my mom and step dad. Beautiful beach, sunny skies, and a really great time with the fam makes for a fantastic vacation.

The week before we left Ethan and I talked about airplanes a lot. We watched some videos on YouTube of airplanes taking off and practiced pretend buckling our seat belts. Ethan kept talking about how airplanes go up, up, up in the sky. He was pretty excited to see the airplanes once we got to the airport!

Apparently, he thought his shoes needed shining.

Our flights went fairly well, thanks to Ethan's new found love of Dora the Explorer, which we uploaded on to the iPad and he excitedly watched for most of our two flights. Once we go to Cocoa Beach we headed out to see the beach!

In this picture Ethan's getting ready to see the ocean for the first time! (And literally, this is when our camera died. We then realized we had not packed our camera battery charger). 

Luckily we picked up a new camera battery charger within a day or so and so we were able to get a few more pics of our family fun in Florida!

Grandma Sheila and Papa Dean took us to the Brevard County Zoo. Ethan got to feed carrots to the giraffe!

Auntie, Uncle Russell and sweet niece Ella.

We got to go to my mom and step dad's church for a home cooked church potluck.

And we spent a lot of time enjoying the beach! Ethan could not get enough of the waves. He kept saying "here it comes!!!" over and over. So darn cute.

Beach bum, hanging out in the shade.
And with Grandma Sheila.

Ethan had a lot of fun putting sand in his buckets.

We searched for seashells.

All the ladies enjoyed the shade.

A very happy Weseloh family.

On our last day after a morning at the beach my mom and step dad took us to big pier at Jetty Park to see some huge cruise ships leave the port. It was another gorgeous afternoon!

You know it's a great vacation when you wish you were still there! When we talk about Florida Ethan keeps saying "down down the elevator" (which is how we got to the ocean from our condo) and then "ocean" and "seashells." We all had blast and can't wait until we get to see the ocean again! Thanks Grandma Sheila and Papa Dean for a great time!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

the adventures of a toddler and his bed

As we've shared before Ethan had a big transition this summer when he moved from his crib to his big boy bed. I thought it would be fun to share a few captured moments of his new adventure.

He's slept (thankfully). As you can see, his blankie(s) are pretty critical.

And cried.

 Worked on putting his jammies on over his jammies.

 Read books.

 Slept in what seem to be very uncomfortable positions and places.

Taken a lot of time to fall asleep at times (well, most times).

And my most recent favorite. Where's Ethan? Go ahead, find him!

(Yes, our sweet toddler is under his bed, playing in the seriously small space!)