Monday, July 26, 2010

cousin time

Well Ethan turned 7 weeks old yesterday. We had a family bbq at Pete's parents house and he got to spend some time with his cousins Julian and Brookelyn. These babies are a total of only 6 weeks apart with Brookelyn leading the pack born on April 27th. Julian was born on May 19th and Ethan on June 6th. He may be the youngest but he sure looks like the oldest! That's my boy!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Ethan "No Nap" Weseloh

We are in the midst of trying to teach Ethan how to nap in his crib. Apparently babies have a "peak" in their fussiness around week 6 which is right where Ethan is right now and so this isn't helping the project "nap in crib" either. Ethan's "peak" in fussiness is very mild - he just doesn't want to nap and so he gets overly tired and a bit grumpy. He sleeps for 5-10 minutes and then wakes up - I rock him and he goes back to sleep and the cycle continues. I've also started playing music while he goes down - that seems to maybe help a little bit. Today we may have turned a corner - I put him down at 2:00pm and it is 2:20 right now and he is still fast asleep!

Norman came home from his soon-to-be Uncle Russell's house on Monday night after 6 weeks away during our baby adjustment. We are nearly at the end of our options with his continued staph infection. There was one final oral antibiotic to try - which we did on Saturday resulting in an allergic reaction that lasted 3-4 days. We are scheduled to start the final antibiotic option on Saturday - injectible shots that he will have once per day. If this doesn't work there are no other medications to try. We also switched from allergy shots to an oral allergy pill to see if that will control the allergy (which is what causes the staph infection). We're also not sure how he is going to be with Ethan - Norman has been like an only child for 3 plus years - and so we have him gated off in the front of our house to keep him and Ethan separate for now.

The skin issues/infection plus new baby have caused us to consider if we can even still keep him. I reached out to the St. Louis Bulldog Rescue organization this week to get some perspective on our situation and see if they would consider taking him if we decided we can't do it anymore. I spoke with a lady who was really helpful - she basically said if you don't get the skin stuff cleared up then you will likely have to put him down. But if we do get it under control and decide that having Norman and Ethan is too much then they would consider taking him on. She also suggested trying him on a raw food diet to see if that helps his allergies. So, we are going to try the new antibiotic, then the raw food diet and see what happens from there.

Ethan has awakened (it's 2:30 - he made it 30 minutes!) and so I'm off. Here's a quick pic of our favorite thing he does these days - smile! :)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Breastfeeding woes

Okay so I'm not going to make blogging about breastfeeding a recurrent theme (at least I don't intend to) but today was full of breastfeeding challenges. Ethan has never really latched on the "right way" which has made it difficult to know if he is really eating enough and unfortunately today resulted in my first (and hopefully only) breast infection. My fever started at 99.5 and a few hours later was 102.6 - yowza. I had to start on antibiotics to get rid of the infection - what a day. It sure is difficult to care for a baby when you're not feeling so good yourself!

However, today Ethan sure made it worth it! He started to smile back when I smiled at him! What a precious blessing especially on a day when I am feeling so crummy!

So I'm going to brave contacting the lactation consultants again (my last session with them in the hospital was multiple hours and left Ethan and I both exhausted) to get some assistance and talk to my pediatrician about options going forward. Need to really pray about why I feel so devastated at the thought of not breastfeeding naturally. God is good and it will be okay no matter what the end result is of our breastfeeding adventure.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A good belly laugh

Well we - or should I say Pete - experienced another first last night. Ethan decided that after his 3:30am feeding he was going to be wide awake. We tried to get him to go to sleep but nothing seemed to work. Pete was cuddling with Ethan for a while and was holding him up over his face to give him a kiss and Ethan proceeded to spit up right into Pete's mouth! Pete panicked and frantically asked for a burp cloth. I quickly grabbed the cloth and wiped up the spit up that was all over Pete's mouth. Let's just say it was more than just a drop! I asked Pete afterward if he swallowed any of it and he said that he was so surprised that he kind of gasped and so some of it made it's way down. I have not laughed so hard in a really, really long time. Pete didn't think it was quite as funny. :)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

And the blog begins...

To blog or not to blog, that was the question rolling around in my mind since our baby Ethan was born 5 weeks ago. After much thought - do I really want to join the blogging world? Will I be consistent in posting? Will anyone even read this? - I decided to take the plunge. And so with the help of my husband Pete we came up with The Weseloh Weekly as a title for this blog and hope it can be a place for our family and friends - both near and far - to stay updated on the Weseloh life. Let the blogging begin!

A brief recap of all that's new in our life: Ethan Matthew Weseloh was born on Sunday June 6, 2010 at 12:01 am. We chose his name very early on in the pregnancy but waited to tell everyone until he was born. At first we just really liked the name Ethan (means "firm and steadfast") but then discovered that there was an Ethan in the Bible who wrote Psalm 89 which begins with "I will sing of the steadfast love of the Lord forever." How sweet! Matthew means "gift of God" which is absolutely what Ethan is to us.

Ethan turned a month old on July 6th and has already given us a few surprises and firsts. We originally thought he weighed 9 lbs 1 oz at birth but have recently realized that he actually weighed 9 lbs 10 oz! Whoa baby! He is growing fast - already 11 lbs, 24 inches at his one month check up. He also had his first x-ray this week which showed that he has already had his first broken bone! Apparently he fractured his right collarbone during delivery and we never knew it! We have been putting the poor little man through tummy time and everything and he never seemed to fuss! He either has a really high pain tolerance or it didn't bother him much (we're hoping it's the latter).

A few pictures of Ethan's first month: