Thursday, December 9, 2010

5 year anniversary, milwaukee and an ear infection

This December Pete and I will be celebrating our 5 year wedding anniversary on the 18th. In celebration Pete planned a trip for us up to Milwaukee to visit our friends Kyle and Stacy and their daughter Madison for the weekend. On Sunday we were supposed to go to a Packer game at Lambeau field - Pete even got us indoor club seats so that we could take Ethan with.

Well, let's just say the weekend didn't go quite as planned. Ethan woke up with a fever on Thursday and so we headed to the doctor and it turns out he had an ear infection. The doctor said it would probably still be okay for us to go since we were driving and the antibiotics would be kicking in. So, after some discussion we decided to head out on Friday. The plan was to head to Chicago to see some friends (and our beloved city!), then head to Milwaukee for the weekend with the Packer game on Sunday to cap off our weekend.

Ethan was melting down quite a bit along the drive and so we decided to skip Chicago. The medicine didn't really kick in until Sunday and so Saturday was basically spent consoling Ethan (who also developed a mean diaper rash) and trying to get him to sleep and be comfortable. And because Ethan was not feeling good we decided to sell our tickets and forgo Lambeau Field on Sunday. Live and learn - as Pete and I say "now we know" that traveling with a sick baby is not such a good idea. We still had a good time catching up with our friends and watched the game at their place on Sunday before heading back to St. Louis.

Here is Ethan at the start of our trip. The little man sure was not feeling so good!
Here is Madison Mae - almost one year old. She is quite the little peanut!
We took one outing with Ethan over the weekend to get some burgers and custard on Saturday afternoon. You can see he was still pretty tired.
Ethan and Madison "played" together in Madison's bouncer.
Packer Sunday. We all got decked out in our Packer gear to watch the game.

Madison was enjoying some sloppy joes. We got to see what is just around the corner for Ethan with solid foods!
This picture sums up what a lot of our weekend was like.
But, with good friends we still made the most of it and even let Ethan watch the game for a bit.

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