Tuesday, June 7, 2011

memorial day weekend

It's been a little while since I've posted - we have been busy, busy, busy here in the Weseloh household! Over Memorial Day weekend we took our annual vacation with all of our Bethel hockey friends and their families and this year we went to the Ozarks! Over the last few years our friends have started a tradition of all getting together over Memorial Day weekend in Kansas City since we all now live in different states (Minnesota, North Dakota, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Texas and Missouri). Between last Memorial Day and this year the baby count in our group went from 1 to 5 (all under 18 months) and so we decided to change it up and rent some condos on the lake. We piled 14 adults and 5 babies in 2 condos and had a great time catching up with everyone.

This was how Ethan and I spent a lot of the weekend: together. He's going through a bit of an attachment stage with me right now and so we are pretty glued to the hip.
We tried to go in the outdoor pool but the water was FREEZING and so Ethan's friends let him borrow their little portable pool.

And here are all of the kiddos!

Madison Mae. The eldest of the kiddos at 17 months.
Greta Lou. 14 months and boy can she talk! She was cracking us all up the entire weekend with her own little jibberish language with a few understandable words here and there - nice, wow, yes, no, mama, dada, etc etc.
And Ethan Matthew, our 12 month old!

Meredith Jean. 5 months. Simply precious.

And Elijah John, also 5 months but the youngest by just a couple weeks. He was super chill and laid back with the biggest smile ever!

And so most of the weekend was spent juggling naps and feedings and play times but we still got to hang out and catch up with some of our most favorite people. The boys played cribbage and tossed bags and the girls gabbed about labor and organic/not organic food choices, what to clean your floor with and so on.

On our last day we got a chance to take some family photos.

All the ladies and babies.
And the guys and babies.
The whole family.
We are already looking forward to next year!

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