Wednesday, September 7, 2011

end of summer vacation

We were pretty excited to see that Southwest had some great deals on flights to Minnesota and so took advantage and booked a trip to Minnesota for the last week of August through Labor Day Monday. Pete likes to say that I was "working remotely" from Dewey Lake (my dad's house).

So, Ethan and I packed up our bags and flew on the big blue airplane to Minneapolis where my dad and step mom came to pick us up and drive us 3 hours in their blue van to grand old Dewey Lake. Ethan did GREAT on the flight-although he was much more interested in trying to explore the airplane than look at all of the books that I packed him. More on that later.

So, rundown of what we did.

Lots of meals at the kitchen table in the "restaurant" high chair.
Lots of swinging on the porch swing outside.
A whole lot of walking hand in hand to explore outside. Ethan was very clear on where he wanted to go, and often led us to the lake.
Lots of walking around the house to explore every nook and cranny.
We went on a walk in the stroller almost every day with Grandma Bonnie. One day we got stuck in the middle of a rain storm almost 2 miles from home. We were soaked!
Pete flew in for Labor Day weekend and so the boys were both pretty happy to have some quality Dad/Son time.
Labor Day weekend was a fun family weekend and we got to spend time with my aunt and uncle and several cousins. My five year old cousin Lexi told me that "she really likes being with Ethan." So sweet!
What is not pictured are the 2 (yes 2!) trips we took to the pediatrician while we were there - diagnoses were a cold, yeast infection and then a second rash that turned out to be something viral from his cold. So, considering all of THAT Ethan was a major trooper and we really had a great, great time! We left, as always, wishing we lived a little closer so that we could spend more time - but so happy that we got to take a last minute trip to enjoy the end of summer!

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