Monday, February 20, 2012

new hospital, same plan

We had a consultation appointment last week at Children's Hospital with a new pediatric neurologist to discuss Ethan's MRI that he had back in December at Cardinal Glennon. We had the MRI done as a follow up after he had his seizure in November to rule out any structural abnormalities in his brain that may have caused the seizure. The results came back abnormal as they found a lesion in his left lateral ventricle. This was an incidental finding and had nothing to do with his seizure. Due to some poor communication after his MRI we decided to transfer care to Children's Hospital before we continued treatment.

Last week we got to meet with the pediatric neurologist at Children's and his recommendation is still the same as it was at Cardinal Glennon - for Ethan to have another MRI with contrast in order to determine what exactly it is that is in his ventricle. The doctor explained to us that it could either be a very benign cyst or possibly malignant. The contrast MRI will help to make the correct diagnosis and also see if it has grown since December. Then we can determine next steps.

I am posting this in hopes that you will pray for Ethan (and for us)! Please pray:
1. That Ethan remains healthy until his MRI (which will be scheduled in the next couple of weeks). He has to be sedated and cannot be congested at all when he goes under.
2. For complete healing of whatever it is in Ethan's brain. We take comfort that God knows exactly what it is and pray that he would be healed.
3. For wisdom discernment for the doctors as they assess and determine what it is and what the next steps might need to be.
4. Peace for all of us. Pete and I both definitely have peace to just take the next step and go from there, since right now we don't know what it is. Pray that God would protect our minds (mine especially) from worry and fear about the all the possibilities of what it could be.

1 comment:

  1. We are praying for you guys! Please let us know if there's anything else we can do to support you. - Erin (&Justin)
