Friday, June 8, 2012

eloise joy weseloh!

On Monday morning, May 28th at 4:36am Eloise Joy Weseloh was born! She weighed in at 8 lbs 13 oz and 22.5 inches long - a very petite but long baby girl!

 Her delivery was FAST. I had been having contractions on and off for several weeks and on Sunday night I was having a few but was able to go to sleep. I woke up at 1:45 am with a big contraction and then they were coming about every 3 minutes apart or so. We got to the hospital at 2:30am and I was already 6 cm dilated - hooray! At 4:00am I was still 6cm and was wanting to see if I could go without an epiderral (although not opposed to one, I wanted to see if I could go natural). By 4:10 (only 10 minutes later) the contractions were so strong and so I called the nurse and said I was contemplating an epiderral. I could hardly sign the consent form the contractions were so painful. The nurse let me know that I was going to have to wait at least 20 minutes to get one and I sort of knew at that point that it was going to be too late to get the epiderral with how strong the contractions were.

At 4:30 I was fully dilated and ready to push and at 4:36am our precious Eloise Joy Weseloh was born. Whoa baby! I was happy that I hadn't gotten the epiderral after all and pretty delighted that her birth went so quickly (I went from 6cm to birth in 36 minutes - crazy!). And oh so thrilled to meet our sweet, sweet Eloise!

 Ethan was able to meet his sister later that day. Here is our first official photo as a family of four.

 Eloise turned out to be more petite than we originally thought she was. At birth she was weighed at 10 lbs 5 oz but later that day she was only 8 lbs 13 oz. Since it would be virtually impossible for her to lose close to 2 lbs in less than 12 hours the nurses did some investigating and talked with our pediatrician and everyone agreed that her birth weight would be revised to 8 lbs 13 oz. After looking through our pictures and video of the morning we saw a bottle of saline solution sitting on the scale that she was weighed on and so we think that was the culprit for making her look a little heavier than she really was.
We were able to be discharged on schedule a couple of days later. We did a quick photo shoot before we left the hospital.  We are already quite smitten with our sweet Eloise!

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