Thursday, February 14, 2013


Somehow it's the middle of February. The days have been flying, hence the lack of posts. Between getting our old house ready to put on the market, and taking care of some problems in our new house it seems like all I have been doing is talking with contractors. The handyman and painter, the plumber, the realtors, the squirrel guy, the home warranty people, the other plumber, the hvac guy. In between all of that we've had community group and sunday dinners, celebrated our 30th birthdays, hosted a big superbowl party, hosted a couple of celebrations for my sister and her baby boy, and been involved in everything else that is normally a part of our calendars and been raising our two sweet kids along the way. It has been absolutely crazy and I am absolutely tired.

Lately I have been reminded of the necessity to rest, the command to rest by God. To remember the sabbath. To rest in our work knowing that God is ultimately our provider and true source of comfort. It's a conversation and reminder that is often difficult for Pete and I to engage in simply because we are just moving from one thing to the next to the next, and trying check things off of our massive checklist.

The season of lent started this week and I am hopeful that with the Holy Spirit's guidance I can enter in to this season of preparing for Easter learning how to rest. Resting from my work. Resting from the daily grind. Resting in who God is and what he has done for me.

Return, O my soul, to your rest; for the Lord has dealt bountifully with you.  
Psalm 116:7

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