Sunday, December 29, 2013

september vacation diaries

We were blessed in September to be able to enjoy 2 vacations on 2 coasts!

Vacation #1 was KID-FREE - for 4 nights and 5 days to San Francisco and Napa Valley. It was a little scary to step on a plane and leave the kids behind but it didn't take long for us to relax and enjoy some much needed quality time together as a couple. This was our second trip to San Fran and Napa and it continues to be one of our most favorite places to visit.

This was the only picture I could get of the kids before we left. They were too excited to hang out with Kerry and company - we were seriously blessed to have a slew of friends take care of our kids while we were gone!

Just driving through the vineyards.

A huge highlight - getting to go to the PACKER GAME at Candlestick Park. 
 We had an absolute blast!

Vacation #2 happened 2 weeks later at the end of September when we took a family vacation to Cocoa Beach, FL to visit Grandma Sheila. This was our second year renting a beach-front condo with my sister and her kiddos and we had a ton of fun. Most of our time was spent on the beach, as you can see. Ethan, especially, could not get enough ocean time!


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