Monday, January 27, 2014

day one - january 25th, 2014

It is fairly rare that in the course of a day, your entire life changes forever. Saturday, January 25, 2014 was that day in our family. We started off the day running errands, and ended it in the ER at Children's Hospital with a diagnosis that our precious boy, Ethan Matthew has cancer - most likely leukemia.

How did we get here?
By the grace of God, truly. I was at my sister's house on Friday and we were both contemplating calling our pediatricians for our kids who had lingering colds. Ethan had been stuffy with some thick snot for a couple of weeks and was looking pale - I figured he perhaps had a sinus infection. He also had a couple of bruises on his back that I had been watching and wondering about a little bit - but for anyone who knows my son - a bruise anywhere is not exactly out of the ordinary - he is an energizer bunny with a knack for random injuries and hard playing.

We were able to get in to see the nurse practitioner Friday morning and after a check up, she prescribed some antibiotics and also sent us to get some blood work done just to make sure that things were where they should be. We were told that if we got the blood work done Friday afternoon, we should expect the results by Monday. We went in at 4pm that day.

At 9:30 am the next morning (Saturday) I received a call from our pediatrician's office stating that the lab had already called them to say there were some abnormal cells in his blood. We were advised to go directly to the ER at Children's so that we could get all of the testing done necessary to see what was going on.

By the end of the day we were admitted, with the suspicion that Ethan has leukemia. A chest x-ray was done of his chest and it was discovered that he also has a mass in the middle of his chest that is apparently fairly common in leukemia patients. 

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