Tuesday, March 11, 2014

back to school

We have been in the midst of a low key, yet high energy week at home. It's been a short time of getting a chance to catch our breath, not knowing if we are just up for a quick gulp of air before being plunged under again, or if we get to tread above the waves for a while.

This round of treatment has so far not been as hard on Ethan and his energy this week was almost back to his very exuberant level - a huge, huge blessing! He was doing so well that we decided it was time for him to go back to preschool. And oh what a joy it was to see him back in his classroom!

We have received nothing but overwhelming support from Ethan's school - City Garden Montessori - and prior to his return, his school sent a great email to parents in our class that shared some great resources on explaining cancer to young kids. I thought I'd pass along a few websites that had some great information to share:



Life is a little bit more normal right now in a lot of ways (going to school! enjoying the spring weather!) and really not normal in others (i.e. me learning how to administer IV chemo into Ethan's port). We have been doing a lot of talking and planning to figure out how to organize our life, care for Eloise, take care of everything that has to do with Ethan and his care, etc. It's a bit of a juggling act trying to plan the things we know - knowing that there are going to be plenty of things that come up that we can't plan for.

Only God knows what's ahead. For now, we are doing our best to get some plans in place for the things that we do know and that are scheduled.  Please pray for us as we navigate these waters, that God would help us to have discernment to make decisions and plans about, well, a lot of big life things - a part time nanny for Eloise, how to keep our house clean, which grandma is coming to stay when and for how long, what it looks like for Pete to go back to work, you get the idea.

Please also pray for Ethan tomorrow, as he has several appointments during his outpatient clinic day at Children's. He will have IV chemo at 9:00 am and then will be sedated to have intrathecal chemo into his spine at around 10:00. In the afternoon we have an appointment with radiation oncology to discuss the cranial radiation that is a part of his treatment plan in the next few weeks. So, a big day ahead.

I'll close with this most precious picture of my two favorite little ones, embracing, giggling and enjoying some amazing spring weather. :) Thank you Jesus, for sweet moments like this.

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