Sunday, June 8, 2014

ethan turns 4!

Ethan Matthew Weseloh, you are such a delightful son. You have the best twinkle in your eye and such a joy that radiates from your heart. I love your zest for life and your enthusiasm. We never would have imagined that this is what life would be like when you turned 4, but you have truly been such a champ through such a huge life change.

You continue to amaze people with your height - at 3 foot 9 in, your doctors last week told us that the computer questioned if it was indeed an accurate height for a 4 year old!

I also really admire how thoughtful and empathetic you are. If somebody is sad you are very aware and often run to grab a tissue. It's such a wonderful quality to have, and I pray that God continues to grow your empathy and awareness of how people are feeling.  I also am amazed at your remarkable memory, especially for places. You remember what things were there, what color the door was, and such details. Your love for your sweet sister Eloise is also such a joy to see. She is abundantly blessed to have you as her big brother.

We were thankfully discharged on Ethan's birthday on Friday, and so were able to spend most of the day at home. Ethan was pretty wiped out from such a long week and so most of the day was spent resting, but we did get a chance to go out for birthday dinner to his favorite restaurant, Chili's.
Ethan - big eyes, big smile (?) and mom - look crazy!
Dad and our glam girl, who wore her sunglasses the entire meal
Happy 4th Birthday Ethan! We absolutely just love you so very much, and are so amazed to see how much you have grown. What a blessing you are and such a DELIGHT!

1 comment:

  1. I love his smile! Happy Birthday, Ethan! I have to chuckle at the height comments,,,it's the same here. I checked and Eliah was just 1/2" shorter at 4 years. At 9 years old he continues to be off the chart and make his own. He is in the 50% ---- for a 12 year old...and a full 3" taller than the 95% for his age. And he is now wearing size 9 mens. So, it's fun to hear how Ethan is growing - he is an amazing boy! Love and hugs to all of you!
