Wednesday, August 27, 2014

low counts

You know you live in a strange world when you are disappointed that chemo is put on hold. But, that's where we find ourselves this week. Ethan had his pre-chemo labs on Monday and it turns out that he is slightly neutropenic with counts just below 500 - and definitely below the goal he needed to make of 750 to start chemo this week.

So, as we've done before, chemo has been put on hold until next week. He'll have labs on Tuesday and if he makes the 750 goal, he will start chemo on Wednesday 9/3. Once he starts, he won't have to make goal again until the start of the next phase. Which means his counts will likely go down again over the next few weeks with the heavy-hitting chemotherapy he will be receiving.

Please pray that Ethan's body continues to recover and make healthy white blood cells. He also started a slight runny nose today --- please pray for healing if it does happen to be a virus starting. Chemo next week (if he makes goal) includes sedation for intrathecal chemo so it's important that he is as healthy as can be for that.

Oh, and seriously, this is how my sweet babes roll these days, guys. Ethan is determined to help Eloise up and down the stairs and you can't believe how much she beams holding her big brother's hand!

1 comment:

  1. Love you all! Praying for Ethan. It is really sweet to see them holding hands.
