Monday, October 6, 2014


So we've had a busy couple of weeks. Lots of celebrations and just a lot going on. About a week and a half ago Ethan had the last IV chemo treatment for Delayed Intensification and we've been on a "break" from chemo, finishing up this phase while his counts recover from the big gun chemo he's received this phase.

In the mean time, we've also gotten to do some celebrating! We can't say a big enough thank you to everyone who came out to walk with us at Light the Night! Ethan had such a blast - it was an absolute joy to see him running and playing and laughing, surrounded by so many that love him so much!

We had a team of almost 50 here in St. Louis and at the Minnesota Light the Night, a team of around 20, and Ethan even got to have his picture up on the big screen!

Our Team Ethan Ice Cream Social Fundraiser was the morning after Light the Night and was also a huge success!

In summary - thank you! Truly, we are so grateful for such love and support - these last few weeks especially have just been filled with a lot of celebrating and we are just so thankful.

Thankful also for how much money we've been able to raise for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Team Ethan Minnesota has raised over $10,000 and our fundraising efforts here in St. Louis have raised nearly $7,000 when you combine our Light the Night and Team in Training donations together. Combined - that's almost $17,000 you guys.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to that number. For those who contributed large and small - $10 and $25 and $50 and $100. For those who don't even know us but sent us a check. For TPAC Underwriters in Minneapolis, where my Uncle Rob works, who made a $10,000 donation, which left me in absolute happy, speechless, tears. For the people who spent $10 (or more) to get some ice cream at our fundraiser last weekend. Truly, you all have left me speechless and I'm so thankful that we can make such a significant contribution to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

As for what's next for Ethan -- he had his pre-chemo labs done today that he needed for the first day of Maintenance that was supposed to start on Wednesday (10/8), but his labs came back showing that he is still neutropenic (he was last week as well) and so things are on hold until next week. He'll have labs checked again on Monday 10/13 and as long as his ANC is 750 or higher, he will get to start Maintenance on Wednesday 10/15. Please pray that his counts continue to recover and that we all stay healthy!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful photos and such a worthy cause. May all the donations do much to find better and quicker treatments for this challenging illness. What a trooper Ethan is. Maintenance...a good word!!!
