Saturday, July 10, 2010

And the blog begins...

To blog or not to blog, that was the question rolling around in my mind since our baby Ethan was born 5 weeks ago. After much thought - do I really want to join the blogging world? Will I be consistent in posting? Will anyone even read this? - I decided to take the plunge. And so with the help of my husband Pete we came up with The Weseloh Weekly as a title for this blog and hope it can be a place for our family and friends - both near and far - to stay updated on the Weseloh life. Let the blogging begin!

A brief recap of all that's new in our life: Ethan Matthew Weseloh was born on Sunday June 6, 2010 at 12:01 am. We chose his name very early on in the pregnancy but waited to tell everyone until he was born. At first we just really liked the name Ethan (means "firm and steadfast") but then discovered that there was an Ethan in the Bible who wrote Psalm 89 which begins with "I will sing of the steadfast love of the Lord forever." How sweet! Matthew means "gift of God" which is absolutely what Ethan is to us.

Ethan turned a month old on July 6th and has already given us a few surprises and firsts. We originally thought he weighed 9 lbs 1 oz at birth but have recently realized that he actually weighed 9 lbs 10 oz! Whoa baby! He is growing fast - already 11 lbs, 24 inches at his one month check up. He also had his first x-ray this week which showed that he has already had his first broken bone! Apparently he fractured his right collarbone during delivery and we never knew it! We have been putting the poor little man through tummy time and everything and he never seemed to fuss! He either has a really high pain tolerance or it didn't bother him much (we're hoping it's the latter).

A few pictures of Ethan's first month:


  1. He is sooo beautiful! FYI--"Todd" is really Bonnie. The real "Todd" doesn't blog (even if he knew what it was, it's not something he would do)! I am glad you decided to blog. I will be checking for updates ~Grandma Bonnie

  2. This is a nice idea Lissa to share your life as a new mom. I will enjoy reading it. You know, after looking at some more pics and especially when his eyes are open, he is not only the most beautiful baby boy, but he is a HANDSOME little guy! Love to the three of you...Mom

  3. Just over these past weeks Lissa and the few (too short!) visits we have had with you and Ethan and Pete I have seen your confidence blossom as a new mom, but really, what has touched my heart the most, is seeing the pure love you have for your new son. It is hard to even express in words how mom's can have so much love for their just seems to spill over and wash over will be a very tender, loving, and strong mother to your children, just as you are. Blessings, Mom
