Wednesday, January 26, 2011

nfc championship game

Boy did we have an awesome time in Chicago for the big game! It was FREEZING cold - especially after the sun went down halfway through the second quarter but our hearts were sure warm as we cheered on the Pack to victory!

We left bright and early at 5:15am and got to Chicago around 9:30am. We had some time to kill so we were nostalgic and drove around our old neighborhood reminiscing about our old sweet home Chicago. We got a chance to visit our friends Jen and Justin briefly and then we were off to the stadium!

On our walk to the stadium we enjoyed seeing other Packer fans along the way. Here are some fans riding in style.
Our view from our seats was pretty sweet. Here is Donald Driver making his way on to the field.
Aaron Rodgers and company.
Here you can see Aaron Rodgers with the ball - he scored a touchdown on this play.
Did I mention it was COLD?

This is right after we WON!!!

You can see Aaron right in the middle of all the cameras making his way to the locker room.
All of the Packer fans made their way down to the lower level where the Packers tunnel was. We all thought they would do the NFC Championship trophy presentation on the field but they ended up doing it in the locker room. Everyone was cheering and screaming - it was awesome!
A couple of fans had Monday's edition of the Milwaukee paper that would be distributed if the Pack won.
It was a great, great, GREAT day!!!

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