Tuesday, February 8, 2011

8 months old

Sometimes it is just too unreal how fast time seems to move. Our little man turned 8 months old on Sunday - also the day that the Packers WON THE SUPERBOWL!!! In honor of the big game Ethan was decked out in his Packer gear for his 8 month pics.

At 8 months old Ethan is getting more and more expressive all the time. I swear it seems he is noticing something new, learning a new skill or being really expressive about what he wants or doesn't want.
-He has learned how to give a "high five" - I was practically giddy when he did it by himself the first time.
-He likes to "roll" his ball back and forth to me and/or Pete - aka kind of push, sometimes throwing it to the side, back or on top of himself - but he is getting the hang of it.
-He is learning how to sit by himself very well. He still will launch himself backward to his favorite position of laying flat on his back but he is for sure getting stronger every day.
-All of a sudden he likes to sleep on his tummy. We still lay him down on his back but at some point throughout the night he will get to his tummy and stay that way.
-He is now (for the most part) sleeping through the night!!! He did this on his own for the first time around 7 1/2 months and this mama is absolutely thrilled!
-He is a big time kicker - not sure if that means he will be a soccer player someday but he LOVES to kick his feet while he lays on the floor, stands in his bouncer or even while we carry him. I've started to lovingly call him "Happy Feet" from time to time.
-He loves touch and feel books with soft things for him to feel on the pages - he giggles every time we get to a new page. He especially likes the polar bear in his Wild Animals book.
-We moved him up to size 4 diapers and he is still in size 12 month clothes although we're starting to put him in some 18 month outfits little by little.
-He is eating about 14 oz of solid foods per day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) in addition to nursing. He is a great eater so far and has eaten everything we've given him!

In honor of the big game Ethan was decked out in his Packer gear for his 8 month pics.

This could be my new favorite picture of Ethan. Look at his teeth!!!

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