Wednesday, February 23, 2011

the blues game that wasn't

Pete has been pretty excited for quite some time now to take Ethan to his very first St. Louis Blues game. We finally decided that we would try taking him to an afternoon game this past Monday. Pete was such a happy papa to take his boy to watch his favorite team!

We got to the stadium all decked out in our Blues attire and got settled in to our seats. We fed Ethan his lunch while we watched the pregame warm ups. Ethan was pretty enthralled with all of the lights and action happening all around.

But then. The buzzer sounded, the crowd erupted in cheers at the start of the game and Ethan was absolutely terrified. Crying, huge tears, the works. I stepped out with him to get him calmed down but as soon as I would try to head back in to our seats the crowd would cheer and we were right back to tears and major crying. And so that was that. We didn't even make it through the first period and all left feeling pretty sad - Ethan because he was scared and overstimulated, Pete because he had been so excited about this game and I was worked up because my poor boy was having such a hard time!

We understandably did not take a whole lot of pictures but here are a few snapshots:

Here is Ethan and I right when we got in the stadium. Ethan was too busy looking around to smile for the camera.
And here we are making our way to our seats.
Right when we were leaving the stadium we realized that we hadn't even taken a group shot and so took a quick pic. You can see Ethan is already on the upswing now that he was away from all the loud cheering and noise!
The Blues ended up losing the game anyway, go figure. And I guess there is always next year to try another game!

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