Tuesday, January 17, 2012

language burst and climbing

Over Christmas break Ethan really started to have a language burst. I'm going to have to capture video of some of his new words because they are so precious. First, Grandma Sheila taught him his first two word phrase - "love you." His version is kind of "duuhh dooo." Then he kept repeating "rectangle" after his new computer that has shape buttons and "Go Pack Go" that proud papa taught him while we were listening to the Packer game in the car.

Since we've been home he is mimicking us all the time and trying out new words. He's added orange, cheese, let's go, bye bye, tree, truck, shark, yellow, purple, stinky, amongst a bunch of other words he's trying out. It is so much fun to see him learning and communicating!

One of my favorite memories from this Christmas was on the plane ride home when we were going through Ethan's flash cards that have pictures on them and to watch him try to use the cards based on what picture was on them. He tried to brush his hair with the picture of the hairbrush, brush his teeth with the toothbrush, knock on the door, and put the picture of the glasses on our nose. Our boy is learning all the time and it is so sweet to have him show us all that he knows.

Another new skill that he learned was climbing up on to the couch! I was pretty nervous about bringing this newly attained skill back home to our hardwood floor-filled-house, but it has so far gone just fine (aside from one couch fall this past weekend). He has started to become a lot more careful about how he gets off of the couch and seems to be growing more awareness of the "edges" of things. Because of his new desire to climb things we are trying to figure out a good solution for the crib, since it is only going to be a matter of time before he figures out how to get (or fall) out. Hoping we can find a good solution before he tries it!

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