Thursday, July 26, 2012

homa homa!

It's been a really busy couple of weeks around here. Almost 2 weeks ago now we decided to brave a family trip to Oklahoma to go to our friends (Dave and Lauren) wedding. I had debated on whether or not to go with a 2 year old and newborn --- it's an 8 hour drive to get there --- but in the end we decided to go.

On our drive there we learned that Ethan no longer naps in the car and so he was up literally all day from 6 am to almost 9:30 pm when he finally conked out in the car about a half an hour from our hotel. I had been so worried about taking Eloise with as a newborn, but in the end it was our 2 year old that had a bit more trouble!

Ethan talked about "Homa Homa" the whole way there. Every time we got off at a rest stop he would shout "Homa Homa" thinking were were now there. How do you explain a state to a toddler? Anyway, he was pretty excited. I tried to capture a video of it while we drove.

We also learned that he is not so crazy about sleeping in strange, new places. He was up for almost 2 hours once we got to the hotel before finally falling asleep and then waking up again at 4am -- clearly overtired but very worked up and crying.

Ethan's early wake up made us realize that we had missed a bunch of phone calls from Pete's family. We called to check in and sadly learned that his cousin Wally had passed away very unexpectedly. He was only 24 years old. We decided to head back to St. Louis to be with family and so since we were already up we headed out. We were in Homa Homa for approximately 5 hours.

Pete ended up flying back to Oklahoma to attend the wedding and I stayed home with the kiddos. It was a very tiring weekend for all.

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