Tuesday, July 3, 2012

the toddler and the newborn

The toddler:

Growing, growing, growing. I was walking around the house the other day turning off the lights in every single room, wondering what the heck we were doing with all the lights on in the middle of a bright summer day. And then I realized it was our sweet boy - who is now tall enough to reach all of the light switches - showing off his new skill. Looks like our electricity bill might be taking a hit.

Helping dad fix our front door.

He spent his last night in his crib this past weekend.

And started sleeping in his brand new big boy bed!

Night #2 in his big boy bed resulted in a "lotion fest" as Ethan was able to get a bottle of Eucerin lotion (again, he's very tall) and had lotioned himself, the bed, and the walls. A quick call to poison control assured us that Eucerin is not toxic and so if he did happen to eat some, he would get a bad case of the runs. Our boy keeps us on our toes that is for sure!

The newborn:

Growing more into a baby each day. Our sweet girl spends a lot of her time doing this:

And this (especially in the early evening hours):

She rolled over for the first time at around 3 weeks and since she has continued to do so every now and then we are officially calling it a skill and not just a fluke. This is a quick pic I shot right after she did it the first time.

She has also started to show us her sweet smile!

The siblings:

Precious as can be.

1 comment:

  1. So sweet! Can't believe she is rolling already. Slow down, Eloise!
