Wednesday, August 8, 2012

eloise at 2 months

Our sweet girl turned 2 months old a little over a week ago! We had her 2 month check up last week and learned that she is 24 3/4 inches tall (off the charts) and 11 lbs 4 oz (75th percentile). The little lady is long and lean! She still fits into some size 3 month onesies but we are just starting to move her into the 3-6 month size and size 1 diapers are still fitting okay.

At 2 months Eloise is definitely spending more time awake. She is really cooing and gurgling these days and loves to show us her sweet big smile. Her favorite position is still definitely standing while we hold her up. Her legs are so strong!

She is still a bit fussy but we think that her fussiness may have peaked around 7-8 weeks as she seems to maybe be crying a bit less, although she still has her moments/days so it's hard to say. I am also experimenting with eliminating dairy from my diet to see if she has a dairy sensitivity that is causing her to have some tummy pain/gas/spit up. Sometimes when she cries she seems to be in pain, arching and straightening her legs and so I'm trying to see if there is something I'm eating that is giving her trouble.

Right now Eloise is a short napper, just like her brother was at this age. Unless she's in the car and moving she typically will only sleep for about 30 minutes at a time and so she naps about 5-6 times per day. I might also add that she is not a big fan of her carseat unless she is moving and asleep. She is still nursing quite a bit - somewhere between 8-10 (sometimes more) times per day but she seems to be starting to have some regularity and eats about every 2 hours or so. She typically goes to bed around 8pm and sleeps until 4am (sometimes 5am) - so her night time sleep is going great!

We sure love our sweet, sweet girl. It's so fun to see how much she is growing and discovering the world each and every day.

Here is her 2 month photo shoot!

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