Wednesday, August 8, 2012

the two year old in a three year old's body

We finally had Ethan's 2 year check up last week! We pushed it off a couple of months since things were a bit crazy around his birthday with the arrival of sweet Eloise.

Ethan continues to be off the charts in both height and weight, no surprise. He is 39.5 inches tall and 38 pounds. He is the height of an average 3 year old and weight of an average 3 1/2 year old. The boy is big!!!

Ethan is having such a language burst right now. Ever since his first sentence a few weeks ago he has been talking non stop and saying all sorts of sentences and combining new phrases. "Daddy go sit." "Eloise diaper." "Change diaper." "Go potty." "Vi Vi at the park." "Purple yellow block." And he still says his old faithful phrases of bye bye this and yay that. Tonight when I told him Eloise was downstairs he shouted "Yay downstairs!"

He has also very much been into "kithes" (kisses) lately. He loves to give Eloise kisses on her head and kisses to both mommy and daddy just randomly with a sweet smile.
And, of course, he's also testing a lot of boundaries right now and having some pretty major tantrums. The boy has got some lungs!

He still has so much energy - he runs laps back and forth around the house, absolutely loves running full steam ahead into Pete and is figuring out how to climb on to everything. He is curious and exuberant and we love him so very much!

1 comment:

  1. He is really growing! Right around 2 is such a huge time. Crazy how much they have changed since 1 and how much they will change before 3! Love the "Vi Vi at the park", of course!
