Friday, January 11, 2013

ethan. version 2.5

How my exuberant Ethan came to be 2 1/2 I have no idea. But, he's here and what I like to call in the "full angst" of TWO! His zest and energy and delightful heart are still such a blessing to us and watching him continue to grow up is just simply awesome. 

A few of my favorite things right now:

*How he carries a load of 5 blankies (yes, 5), Larry, Franklin, sometimes Doggie and phone or dinosaur from his room when he gets up in the morning or from a nap - usually all at once.

*How he calls oranges "Ooojes."

*How he describes so many things as "Cute!" "Eloise cute!" "Mommy's boots cute!" "Ethan cute!"

*How he asks me to sing "Grace" (Amazing Grace) and then "Ethan" (a short song about how much we love him) to him at bed time and likes to snuggle up in my lap while I sing.

*How he's learning so much - he can count to 10, knows all his shapes and colors and so many different songs. His memory is super sharp and he seems to remember everything!

*How he is starting to draw pictures of things - at Christmas this included several pictures of "Larry and Bob in the elevator," "snow" and "slides."

*How he gives us all kisses with the sweet smacking sound.

*How he runs into Eloise's room in the morning shouting "Mornin' Eloiiiiiise!"

*How he still likes to find special places to put things - magnets in the freezer, cars in the bathroom. Finding his treasures stashed in special spots around the house is so precious!

*How he is really growing in his listening skills. A work in progress of course, but he is clearly maturing in his reasoning and understanding of what we are asking of him. 

*How he asks me to give "kisses" when he gets an owie. 

*How, when we ask him what he learned about at church, he shouts "JESUSSS!!" "YEAAHHHH!" and claps his hands while shouting. 

And then, a few of the more challenging things:

*His fairly epic tantrums that he will have from time to time, that involve screaming and pinching.

*When he asks to go potty but then just stands over the toilet (refusing to sit) for 30 minutes, then freaks out when I tell him we'll try again later. We haven't officially started potty training, but hopefully will get started soon. 

*When he can't seem to decide what he wants. "Ethan, your time out is over, you can come out of your room now." "NO! Stay in time out!" "Okay, mommy is going to leave then." "NO! Mommy!!! (as I leave). "Ethan, I just said your time out is over, so come with mommy and we can go play." "NO! Stay in time out!"  And on and on it goes. This type of arguing happens pretty much every day about something. 

And yet even with the challenges that being two brings, I wouldn't trade any single second of the time I get to spend taking care of Ethan (and his sweet sister). He is an absolute joy. Ethan Matthew Weseloh - you are so seriously loved! Thank you for being such a delight to us and everyone else that is blessed to know you!

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