Friday, January 11, 2013

the big move

Yes, it's January, and I am way behind on the ol' blog. Let's just say December was.a.BLUR. But now we're back from vacation, it's a new year, and I'm starting to get my bearings. So, on to a few posts catching up on where we've been. Let's start with our big move back on December 1st.

It was a beautiful Saturday, actually - a blessing for the beginning of December.

It took 15 friends, 3 trips with a good sized box truck, and most of the day to get everything moved from the old to the new. Our friends were troopers, carrying loads of sticks, pucks, boxes, furniture, and appliances. The last 2 loads were mostly furniture that had to be moved to the second and (yelp) third floor of our new place. But, we did it, only because of the help of our friends and fam. (Side note: We have been informed by said friends that we are not allowed to move again. This needs to be the last move. For real.)

One of the biggest blessings of the day was having a couple of our friends hang out with Ethan and Eloise and a few other kiddos while we focused on the move.

Fave pic of the day - all the kiddos going for a walk together! Note: Noah peeking above the big double Bob stroller, helping to push Ethan and Violet. :)
And, our first morning in the new house. Just sitting on the front step with jammies on, checking out our new neighborhood. Hoping what Ethan continues to call "the new house" will quickly become our "new home."

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