Saturday, February 1, 2014

a quiet day

We are thankful for a quiet day here with not a whole lot going on. Other than his normal medications and steroids there was nothing else scheduled, thankfully. Ethan was definitely tired today but we enjoyed several trips to the playroom here, some tv time and taking several tours around our floor - a common routine we do each day - Ethan likes to show us all where all of the bathrooms, kitchen and elevators are. :)

It's hard to believe that we've already been here for one week and yet it also feel like we've been here for a lot longer, considering all that has happened in just that short amount of time. We are so very thankful for God's provision for us this week - it just cannot be said enough. Your prayers, love and support are being used by God to sustain us during a time we could have never imagined ourselves going through. Thank you, thank you, thank you - and please continue to cover us all, especially Ethan, in prayer.

Some specific prayer requests as we look forward to the coming week:

-For the mass in his chest and the cancer cells in his blood to continue to be wiped out from his treatment.

-For Ethan to remain fever free, especially right now as his "counts are dropping." As the chemo attacks all of the cells in his blood - (red blood cells, platelets, and white blood cells) his counts for each of those will drop and his body will then slowly start to make new, healthy cells. When your blood counts get below a certain threshold, you are considered to be "neutopenic," which basically means that your immune system is not able to fight off infections very well and so he is at greater risk. Ethan's counts today put him below the threshold and so he is at an increased risk for infection - again, this is normal, but please pray that his body would recover quickly from this round of chemo.

-For all of us to remain healthy - Pete, myself, Eloise and of course, Ethan, and Grandma Sheila too. As his primary caregivers right now, we have a job to do. Please pray that we would remain healthy and infection free!

Thank you all for your continued prayers!

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