Tuesday, February 4, 2014

next stop: HOME

What a day we've had! Ethan's sedation went very well and they were able to get another bone marrow biopsy, spinal tap with the chemo infusion and they also cleaned up his pic line dressing. Everything went very well - they were even able to use the normal anaesthesia this time instead of the one they used last week that had some of the crappy side effects.

Shortly after we got back to our room and ordered (lots of) lunch Ethan received the other 2 chemo drugs via IV and then proceeded to eat a ridiculous amount of cheetos. The steroids that Ethan has to take every day this first month as part of his treatment make him quite hungry and it's been fun to see what kind of cravings he's had. Cheetos have been the mainstay the last couple of days; I'm sure his belly has a nice orange hue by now.

On to the best news of the day --- because Ethan is doing well and his blood counts have started to increase and move toward a healthy range --- we are being DISCHARGED. Tomorrow!

I think my mom, Pete and I all had jaws sitting on the floor when they told us we can go home when we are comfortable (which could have been as soon as today had I said so - holy cats). They had told us at the beginning of this that we could expect 30 days in the hospital, but it could definitely be less than that depending on how Ethan's body responded. So in the back of my mind I knew it was a possibility but wasn't expecting quite this soon.

Such GREAT news!

And news that also leaves me feeling nervous too, not knowing what its like to be at home, caring for my boy who has cancer. There are a lot of meds that he takes both morning and night and his Pic line to keep clean and flushed and home health aids to coordinate for weekly blood work and then weekly visits back to the hospital for chemo treatments. Not to mention the regular rhythm of life and what it all will look like once we transition back home. School and play time and the dog and outings and everything!

And so, as our motto has been from the start of this whole thing - one day at a time. We are blessed to live 10 minutes away from Children's and Grandma Sheila is here and we have a whole army of friends who have continued to bless us and hundreds of people keeping us in prayer and most importantly God who goes before us and who is forcing us to rely on Him for strength.

Seriously, we are going HOME. Thank you Jesus!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. such great news for all of you. This story is such a testament of faith and the power it has when we allow Him to work into our hardships.Happy for all of you and will continue to pray for the little big man!!!!

  3. Melissa, you don't know me, but I go to the same church with Todd and Bonnie and I also work for them. Since your family's need for prayer was brought to our attention, you and yours have occupied a huge portion of my heart, thoughts, and prayers. It is strange how the LORD can unite folks who otherwise have no connection to one another. I am rejoicing with you at the wonderful news! What a wonderful Savior is Jesus my Jesus!
