Wednesday, May 28, 2014

birthday girl

Today my sweet girl turned 2 years old! It was a whirlwind day for all of us in a lot of different ways. Since most of my day was spent at the hospital with Ethan, Eloise got to spend her birthday with Daddy for breakfast and with our sweet nanny for most of the day. Thankfully, once we all came home from the hospital and work - we got to enjoy some whirlwind together time enjoying take out, cupcakes and presents!

Some highlights, in pictures:

Birthday Breakfast Daddy Date!

Birthday cupcakes and ice cream after dinner. 

And our annual birthday chair pictures.

And what better way to end the day then with birthday hugs? Oh my.

This girl, my sweet Eloise Joy, is such an absolute delight to my heart. She has such a gusto for life and a smile that makes anyone feel welcomed and loved. She has such a big heart - especially for her big brother, who is most definitely her favorite person to do anything with. Gosh, she is a treasure.

It has been such a joy to see how she's grown - she has a love for everything girly, especially shoes and sunglasses. She has a determined spirit that has driven her to learn how to put her shoes on by herself, learn how to get undressed and accomplish what she puts her mind to, or specifically get us to do what she wants. And what fun to hear how her vocabulary is growing! She asks questions and talks in 4-5 word sentences. Lately she's been telling us the things she likes - "Mommy I like your necklace." "E-han I like your cheese." Precious girl!

Eloise Joy - my beautiful daughter - you are just a beam of sunshine, as your Grandma Sheila says. I am so incredibly blessed to be your mother and I just can't wait to see how God continues to grow you into a beautiful girl, inside and out. You are a blessing to us and we love you so much! Happy 2nd Birthday little lady! :)

1 comment:

  1. Your pix of Ethan and Eloise remind me of the relationship I had with my older brother, Rick, growing up. We were best buds. What a joyful day indeed. As one of our young moms said in church one Sunday..."choose the midst of pain...choose joy." May God give you the ability to see joy in every day. xoxo
