Monday, March 7, 2011

9 months

Ethan is now a big 9 month old! Our little man is growing up so fast! We had Ethan's 9 month check up today and Ethan is weighing in at 23 lbs 12 oz (85th %) and is 31.5 inches (way off charts as usual). A few things about Ethan at 9 months:
-Still not crawling but very very active! He is reaching, rolling, and wants to get in to everything as much as he can without crawling. His pediatrician says that about 75% of babies are crawling by now but there are 25% who aren't and so we'll wait and see when he decides to make his move.
-Spit up is still happening too - another thing that some babies have already grown out of by now but Ethan is just one of those babies that is taking a bit longer to taper off.
-Ethan is getting a lot stronger at standing and sitting up. He loves to bang on things and bang things together. Splashing in the bath is also a favorite time of his day.
-He is still a great eater - nursing 4 times a day and eating breakfast, lunch and dinner solids - lots of them. We are just starting to add some finger foods.
-We are working on nap times - for the last couple of weeks he has been fighting his afternoon nap and has only been taking his morning nap. This makes for a "wired tired" baby by his bedtime and so we are working on how to get his afternoon nap back - putting him down earlier, later, just trying to see what might work!
-Finally he's got some more teeth coming in! From what I can tell he is cutting 3 top teeth right now - yikes!

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